Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) Submission Title: [Wireless power transmission for the Implant Devices] Date Submitted: [Nov. 2008] Source: [KiBum Kwon, YangMoon Yoon and SungHyup Lee] Company [KORPA (Korea Radio Promotion Agency)] Voice: [ ] Re: [] Abstract: [This document presents considerations of wireless power transmission for the Implant Devices] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 2 Wireless Power Transmission for the Implant Devices KiBum Kwon, YangMoon Yoon, SungHyup Lee KORPA (Korea Radio Promotion Agency)
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 3 Purpose and Contents This document presents considerations of wireless power transmission for the Implant Devices Contents –Energy Limitation of Implant Devices –Advantages of Wireless Power Transmission –How to work the Wireless Power Transmission? –Examples of Wireless Power Transmission System –Considerations of TG 6 Standardization with Wireless Power Transmission
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 4 Energy Limitation of Implant Devices It is difficult to change and charge the implant device’s battery rather than that of out-body device. The life time of implant device for WBAN depends on the battery capacity. Since shape and size of battery is constraint. E.g.) Capsule Endoscope
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 5 Advantages of Wireless Power Transmission We can extend the lifetime of implant device and be free to the power-constrained characteristics. We can reduce the battery size in manufacturing the implant device. So, minimizing the device size
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 6 How to work the Wireless Power Transmission?[1] ① Power from mains to antenna, which is made of copper ② Antenna resonates at a frequency of about 10MHz, producing electromagnetic waves (e.g.) ③ 'Tails' of energy from antenna 'tunnel' up to 2m (e.g.) ④ Electricity picked up by laptop's antenna, which must also be resonating at 10MHz. Energy used to re-charge device ⑤ Energy not transferred to laptop re-absorbed by source antenna. People/other objects not affected as not resonating at 10MHz
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 7 Example of Wireless Power Transmission System (1/4) Intel Demonstration of Wireless Power Transmission Technique “Wireless Energy Resonant Link” Above technique uses magnetic field without electric field, since magnetic field do not affect to human body
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 8 Artificial Heart Transcutaneous Energy Transmission System (TETS) [2] AbioCor System (ABIOMED) Example of Wireless Power Transmission System (2/4)
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 9 Example of Wireless Power Transmission System (3/4) Artificial Retina Development of artificial retina prototyped a system that can wirelessly supply power from an external source to an LSI in an artificial retina implanted in the eyeball. (TOHOKU University)
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 10 Example of Wireless Power Transmission System (4/4) Capsule Endoscope ©RF system ‘Sayaka’ (Japan) Battery-free endoscopic capsule
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 11 Considerations of TG 6 Standardization with Wireless Power Transmission Main Considerations for Standardization Architecture of Wireless Power Transmission for WBAN Selection of Frequency for Wireless Power Transmission Interference Efficiency of Power Transmission Safety Affect to tissues in body
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 12 Thank you for your attention! Q & A.
Nov Slide Doc: IEEE ban KiBum, YangMoon, SungHyup (KORPA) 13 Reference [1] [2] M.Watada et al., “The development of core-type Transcutaneous Energy Transmission System for artificial heart.” Proce. of the 2005 IEEE Eng. Med. and Biol., Sept