Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service National Management Groups Meeting Perth Concert Hall - 9 th Nov
Mike Black - DRS Collaborative Coordinator KPIs – what they tell us and performance management
Q KPI summary Total Diabetic Population aged 12 and over on Soarian (KPI 0) = 258,394 Eligible population (KPI 0) = 223,555 Number of individuals attending screening at least once (KPI 2 -Uptake rate) = 93, % Total number of the current eligible population successfully screened (KPI 4) = 84, % Not screened or suspended = 139, % Referral to Ophthalmology = 2, %
Q KPI summary
KPI 2 – Uptake rate - Number of individuals attending screening at least once. 40%
Ayrshire & Arran 42.60% Borders 44.40% Dumfries and Galloway 46.40% Fife 36.40% Forth Valley 43.50% Grampian 45.10% Greater Glasgow 41.60% Highland 39.50% Lanarkshire 39.60% Lothian 41.20% Orkney 43.50% Shetland 46.90% Tayside 43.30% Western Isles 42.70% National Average %
What’s the key to having a good uptake rate ? How about a good invitation rate (Screening Invitation rate - KPI 1)
KPI 1 Screening Invitation rate 50%
Ayrshire & Arran 58.00% Borders 56.20% Dumfries and Galloway 53.10% Fife 45.20% Forth Valley 46.20% Grampian 58.30% Greater Glasgow 51.50% Highland 49.10% Lanarkshire 44.60% Lothian 48.20% Orkney 50.30% Shetland 0.20% Tayside 50.10% Western Isles 48.70% Total 50.50%
KPI 1 derived from –Percentage (100*INV/EP-API) INV = patients invited at least once EP = eligible population API = patients attending without invitation
API Patient Invited Reference Date Reporting Start Date Reporting interval time 10 th Nov 2010 Patient Screened INV = 1 API = 0 INV = 0 API = 1
Conclusion to all this is that API rates are wrongly reported and used in KPI 1. Proposal is to use the following equation to show invitation rate –Percentage 100 *(API+ INV) / (EP) This would result in the following changes to KPI 1 screening invitation rates
Ayrshire & Arran 58.00% % Borders 56.20% % Dumfries and Galloway 53.10% % Fife 45.20% % Forth Valley 46.20% % Grampian 58.30% % Greater Glasgow 51.50% % Highland 49.10% % Lanarkshire 44.60% % Lothian 48.20% % Orkney 50.30% % Shetland 0.20% % Tayside 50.10% -56.6% Western Isles 48.70% % Total 50.50% %
Invitation Profiles 100% / 12 months = 8.33% invitation rate per month (in an ideal world). Consider profiling your invitation rates on a monthly or even weekly basis. Your ‘Invitation Profile’ will depend on many factors related to your area.
Don’t forget that KPIs can also be used to enhance your invitation targeting by other categories.
Ethnic Minorities
Or age group
and deprivation quintile
To continue to increase performance of the DRS service we will use KPIs to target the use of – –SMS – –Voice messaging
To summarise –KPIs are not perfect and require interpretation. –We can do more with them. –They are not being used regularly enough by Managers. –They are good for reporting success. –They are also good for reporting failure !!! –Especially when your service is under pressure. –They will be important for any future business cases.
Questions and comments ?