Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service Soarian Patients 2013 Mike Black
Diabetes burden – 10 Nov 2013 Total diabetic population aged 12 and over on Soarian (KPI 0) = 283,381 Eligible population after suspensions (KPI 0) = 244,244 Number of individuals attending screening at least once (KPI 2 Uptake rate) = 79.4% Referral to Ophthalmology = %
DRS Did Not Attend rates (As of 11 Nov 2013) (KPI 1 Invitation rate) – (KPI 2 Uptake Rate) last 12 months – 19.8% Last 18 months % Last 24 months – 15.2%
To summarise Attendance rates for younger people are lower. Attendance rates for social deprivation areas are lower. Attendance rates for ethnic minorities are lower. All of the above groups have higher risk factors – Such as - Type 1, genetic disposition to DR, poor glycaemic controls, poor blood pressure controls (SDS 2012)
Conclusion DRS collaborative in Scotland needs to make extra efforts to target specifically those regular non-attenders for screening. These individuals have a proportionately higher risk of sight threatening DR. In particular, ethnic minorities, young patients or patients from a poorer socio-demographic area.
Finally Thank You