Boy Scout Uniform John Lin
Top 10 reasons to wear uniform Top 10 - encourages neat, correct appearance & proper behavior. Top 9 - live up to the Boy Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, and motto - Do Your Best. Top 8 - reminds him of the steps along the Scouting trail and encourages him to continue into Boy Scouting. Top 7 – recommended by insurance regulations that all scouts be covered when traveling in vehicles. Top 6 - provides the only place for proper display of his badges and awards.
Top 10 reasons - continued Top 5 - take pride in belonging to such a movement Top 4 - Stand together, not alone, in encouraging others to live by those same principles Top 3 - graphic evidence that they belong to the world's largest boys' organization - "The Boy Scouts of America." Top 2 - identifying openly with the principles to which we are committed-character development, citizenship training, and physical and mental fitness. Top 1 - a way of making visible our commitment to a belief in God, loyalty to country, and to helping other people.
Field Uniform Cap Neckerchief Pants Neckerchief slide Socks Shoulder loops: Forest green for BSA World Scout Crest Emblem Shirt When to wear - cere Web belt
Uniform Insignia - Left sleeve The council shoulder patch Unit number the badge of office Trained leader strip Base color is green – 84, Trained - green
Right sleeve US flag sewn Patrol emblem The most recent Quality Unit emblem National Honor Patrol patch, Merit badges if long sleeve
Left pocket for scout rank World Scout Crest Emblem Up to five pin-on medals Boy scout ranks Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, Eagle Arrow of Light
Right pocket for temporary insignia Jamboree or summer camp patch Name tag (John Wu) Order of Arrow Event patch BSA award of job achived
Merit badge sash Merit badges may be worn on the front of the sash Earned pins and bars may be worn on the bottom front corner. Additional merit badges and temporary insignia on the back of the sash The sash is worn over the right shoulder and Never be worn folded through the belt Not be worn at the same time as the Order of the Arrow sash.
Class B Activity Uniform
Where to buy Council Service Center 970 West Julian Street San Jose, California 95126 Phone: 408.279.2086 Fax: 408.279.0659 Scout Shop Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Cost Try to get discount from the store Itemize TBD
Wearing Uniform Guideline When to Wear the Uniform Full uniform for all ceremonial activities including boards of review, courts of honor, patriotic events, parades, and special occasions at troop meetings and summer camp. During physically active outdoor events and more informal troop meetings, Scouts may wear the activity uniform—troop or camp T-shirts with Scout pants or shorts. Scouts participating in conservation projects, other service work, or backcountry camping may wear work pants or jeans with their troop or camp T-shirts. When Not to Wear the Uniform Selling a commercial product or service, even for Scout money-raising purposes. In situations might mislead an endorsement of a product, service, political candidate, or philosophy. In activity that could dishonor or discredit the Boy Scouts of America
Quiz Uniforms are required by insurance regulations so that all scouts are covered when traveling in vehicles Troops and packs can establish their own uniform requirements and have “troop uniforms” and “patrol uniforms” BSA requires all scouts to have uniforms to be scouts. A scout must wear a neckerchief as part of the field uniform.