Mrs.Blair Mrs. MeGown Ms. Siske Mrs. Wheeler Keys to Success in 2 nd Grade
Schedule 7:40- 7:50Morning Work/Announcements 7:50-9:15Reading/Language Arts/SS 9:15-9:45 Spelling/Words Their Way 9:45-10:25Writers’ Workshop 10:25-11:15Specials 11:15-12:15Science 12:15 – 1:15Lunch/Recess 1:20-2:50Math
Teacher Websites Our class websites will be updated each week. Please check regularly to be in touch with the latest! To access… 1) From LISD homepage, click on Schools 2) Click on Schools List, then McAuliffe 3) Click on Academics, then teacher name **Your teacher will also have a SchoolWeb page for your child to access. We will be showing the students how to access SchoolWeb in class but your child will need to be check at home as well.
Fastt Math Fastt Math enables students to develop math fact fluency in a 10 minute lesson. We will be completing Fastt Math in class but will also be assigned as homework. Fastt Math can be accessed from McAuliffe’s home page under Academics.
Star of the Week Every student will get a chance to be Star of the Week. The Star of the Week will fill out an All About Me Poster. The poster will be sent home the Friday before the start of the student’s Star week. No show and tell items will be brought.
Homework New this year! We will have a homework sheet that will go home on Mondays and be due on Thursdays. This homework allows your child to choose 1 math, 1 reader’s response, and 1 spelling activity for the week. These activities will reflect what we are learning in class and will differ throughout the year. In addition to the homework sheet, it is important that your child reads every night. If your child has a guided reading book assigned, it is considered homework and will need to be returned the next day.
Late Work Notifications If your child does not return their homework on the day it is due, he/she will receive a late work notification form. This sheet will indicate the late work and will require a parent signature. It will need to be returned the next day along with the completed work or the child will stay after school that day to complete the work until 3:45. If your child receives 4 late work notices in a 6 weeks, he/she will be assigned Responsibility Academy. Responsibility Academy is held on Thursdays until 5pm.
Discovery Packs Later on in the year, we will be sending home Discovery Packs! Discovery Packs will have a journal and a collection of books on a particular topic in a bag. Your child will take home a bag of their choice each week, read the books, and write a response in the journal. This will be a part of our homework. More details from your teacher when we start the Discovery Packs.
Book Reports Students will be assigned 2 book reports over the course of the school year. For each report they will give an oral presentation along with a written report. These book reports will be started in class and completed at home. This is one of their favorite assignments of the year!
No Name Papers We want to encourage responsible 2 nd graders! If your child does not write their name on their work, they will write their name at recess. First time – write name 20 times Every time after that the consequence goes up by 10 For example: On a student’s fifth no name paper they will write their name 60 times.
Responsibility Sheets *Your child’s Responsibility Sheet, located in their McAuliffe folder, indicates their daily & weekly behavior and represents expectations for every student. If your child disregards an expectation during the day, the Responsibility Sheet is marked by the teacher and sent home for parents to sign. Please sign your child’s sheet every Thursday. When a child receives a mark in Specials, please contact the specials teacher if you have any questions.
Behavior Management We are big advocates of positive reinforcement and praising children for their positive behavior. However, consistent disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will be handled as follows: *Verbal warning (The child has the chance to correct the behavior.) *Non-verbal warning (STOP sign placed on desk as a reminder) *1st clip change: Child moves their clip and has to sit out 10 minutes of their recess time. The child’s Star Sheet is marked. *2 nd clip change: The child moves their clip again and misses all of their recess time. Star Sheet is marked again for that day. *3rd clip change: Phone call to parents with appropriate consequence *4th clip change: Child is sent to the office.
Behavior Reflections If your child moves their clip because of a behavior issue, he/she will complete a Behavior Reflection sheet at recess. This sheet allows your child to think about their actions and how they can make a better choice next time. This sheet will be sent home for your review and signature. Please return the next school day.
Behavior Management, cont. Major behavior incidents (violence, outright disrespect, inappropriate language, vandalizing school property etc.) will be handled immediately without any warnings given and parents will be contacted. Each child is expected to be on his/her best behavior outside of the classroom as well, including hallways, lunch/recess, Specials, etc. Please help encourage your child to be an outstanding citizen around the clock!
Responsibility Sheet Celebration On the last Friday of each six weeks from 2-2:45pm, we will have a Responsibility Sheet Celebration to reward good behavior. If your child receives 3 marks or less in a six week period, they will be invited to the celebration. The Responsibility Sheet Celebration may be different each six weeks and is a lot of fun!!
Classroom Snacks Please only send snacks that do not need utensils. This makes it hard for your students to eat while working. No messy snacks Cut fresh fruit so that it will be easy to eat Healthy snacks are best… crackers, dry cereal, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc. We will have snack anytime after 9am. Please only send 1 snack per day.
Student Birthdays All birthday treats will be given to the class at the end of the school day. The treat MUST be STORE BOUGHT. Make sure that you have the class count to ensure everyone gets a treat. No cupcakes with icing. Cookies, brownies, and muffins are super!
Field Trips Students will attend 2-3 field trips this year. We will do a walking field trip to City Hall, the Fire Department and the Police Department. The other 2 field trips will be determined throughout the school year and will correspond with our curriculum. We will need volunteers to accompany us, so watch for information on our websites and in your child’s McAuliffe Folder as these draw near.