Church Life Cycles Churches are a living organism They’re born, grow up, and then they die UNLESS
New life cycle The Church starts a new life cycle
Birth 0 Growth 20 Maintenance Maturity Decline Death 80
Church Life Cycles 4 components V ision (heart) R elationships (arms) M inistries (hands and feet) S tructures (skeleton)
Vision…the driving force Sm vr V rms
Signs of a Healthy Congregation Vision focused on the future Relationships that embrace new people Ministries that focus on outreach Structures that accomplish the mission and are anchored accountability
Signs of a Healthy Congregation The Vision of the congregation is focused on the unique ways it can impact lives and change the community by making new disciples through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
VISION A clear understanding of “WHAT” the congregation does to carry out The Mission.
VISION – MISSION - STRATEGY Mission “WHY?” Vision “WHAT?” Strategy “How?”
WHAT IS GOD’S MISSION? GENESIS 3— Sin and God’s response GENESIS 12—Abraham called for the sake of the world I KINGS 10—God brings the World to Solomon/Himself ISAIAH 49— Israel is God’s tool for reaching the world. MATTHEW 16—The Church playing offense. EPHESIANS 3 — The church is God’s tool for reaching the world. REVELATION 5— God’s goal - Millions/billions bow to Jesus
VISION – MISSION - STRATEGY Mission “WHY?” Vision “WHAT?” Strategy “How?”
VISION Future oriented. A clear and compelling picture of where the congregation is headed. Convictions that have an outward focus. Vision is always in the driver’s seat as the church goes up the curve.
Signs of a Healthy Congregation Vision focused on the future Relationships that embrace new people Ministries that focus on outreach Structures that accomplish the mission and are anchored accountability
RELATIONSHIPS Relationships are in the passenger seat on the way up the curve. Meaningful and sustained friendships are the norm. Newcomers find people connections easily because relationships are open!
People are like Legos… Most people in our congregations look like these Legos!
People are like Legos… Most guests look like these Legos!
Place #1 Place #2 Place #3
RELATIONSHIPS (3 RD PLACES) The larger the church, the more 3 RD places need to be created Interest groups, small group Bible Studies and triads The goal is to move people from visitor to disciple Churches grow as groups multiply
Debrief: How easy is it for new people coming into your church to make new friends? What are some ways that you personally can fill you lego with unchurched friends What are some potential interest groups you might start?
Signs of a Healthy Congregation Vision focused on the future Relationships that embrace new people Ministries that focus on outreach Structures that accomplish the mission and are anchored accountability
Ministries are in the back seat on the way up the curve. Ministries support the vision. Ministries are the hands (the doing part of the Vision) MINISTRIES
Start with consumer: “If I come to the congregation, what will it do for me? Start where people are and take them where God wants them to be.
CONSUMER EXPECTATIONS Worship Relationships Care Meet family needs Education Preaching Well-kept facilities Financial stability
Signs of a Healthy Congregation Vision focused on the future Relationships that embrace new people Ministries that focus on outreach Structures that accomplish the mission and are anchored accountability
SOTR Lutheran Birth Growth Maintenance Maturity Decline Death Ms R v Take the Car for a Spin!
New life cycle VRMSVRMS