The Church Life Profile Each church’s survey results are outlined in their unique Church Life Profile Front cover information Name of this church This church’s Circle of Strengths This church’s locale This church’s level of survey participation
Church Life Profile – the overview Open out the front and back cover, to form an A3 poster overview of this church’s results
Church Life Profile – the structure Page 3 gives an outline of the Profile showing its structure and the page numbers of its different sections
(Study page 4 and the inside back cover to understand how it works) Church Life Profile – the model Page 4 and the inside back cover explain the NCLS model with its 9 Core Qualities and 3 Attendance Measures and shows how the Summary Scores are calculated
Church Life Profile – Summary Review Pages 6 to 10 give a Summary Review of the church’s results, showing Core Quality strengths and their change over time, their attenders’ gifts, hopes for the church and what they most value here, and the Inflow/Outflow of attendance
Church Life Profile – Detailed Review Pages 12 to 20 give detail of attenders’ answers to questions relating to each of the Core Qualities – one page per Core Quality Information on each page for this church Headline narrative data about this Core Quality Graph for the key question of this Core Quality Graph of key indicator response over time Detail of attenders’ answers to this Quality’s questions against two comparative benchmark columns Response rate for this church and its region
Church Life Profile – Detailed Review One Core Quality per page makes for ease of engagement by the church. The page can be downloaded or copied to help a church or a ministry team to focus together on that one aspect of church life and dig deeper Internal Inspirational Outward
Church Life Profile – about your attenders Pages 22 – 25 give details of attendance: The proportion of long term attenders, switchers, transfers, newcomers and young people retained by the church as they moved from childhood to young adulthood Attenders’ demographics and their levels of active involvement in the life of the church
The church is a presence in its neighbourhood and Page 26 gives details of the people who live there. This is taken from your church’s 2006 Community Social Profile; NCLS will produce your 2011 Community Social Profile next year when 2011 Australian Census data becomes fully available Church Life Profile – about your neighbourhood
Church Life Profile – optional Surveys For those churches that elected to do the optional NCLS PLUS Surveys there are two pages of data for each survey giving details about those surveyed, their spirituality and their connection to the church. The Optional Surveys were for child attenders aged 8-14, Youth/young adults (online survey) people who connect with the church but are not regular attenders (online survey)
Church Life Profile – denominational questions Some denominations and regions commissioned questions to be directed to their attenders. For churches that answered denominational questions there is one page of results showing their responses to those questions
Church Life Profile – confidentiality NCLS Research has a commitment to confidentiality. 1.If less than 10 people complete a Survey – the standard Attender Survey or any of the optional Surveys – NCLS Research will not produce detailed results for that church or group. However the input of that church or group will form part of the regional, denominational and national results. 2.Regional leaders and Coordinators can access each of their church’s Church Life Profiles online, but only after completing the NCLS Protocol that assures they have the right to do so.