Tanta University Faculty Of Engineering Electronics & Electrical Communication Department Challenger 8 Team Tanta University Faculty Of Engineering Electronics & Electrical Communication Department Challenger 8 Team
1- For people who are located in remote places and suffer from weak signal. 2- It is very useful in cities, where in spite of full coverage there are places with no or poor signals. 3-Simply plug our Signal Booster and you'll be astonished by the results.
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR System Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antenna Indoor antenna
Hanan & Ola Power Amplifier. AGC. Conclusion. Asmaa & Heba Power Supply. IR Circuits. Exiting Solution. M.Elshrkawy & Alshimaa GSM. Helical Antenna. Omni Antenna. M.Mahrous & M.Hakim Block Diagram Preamplifier. BPF. Team work
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Power Supply
It’s a component of an electronic devices, used for operating the device wirelessly from a short line- of- sight distance. Remote control is consumer IR device. Remote ControlIR ReceiverIR Transmitter
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Outdoor Ant.
Obtain different types from polarization linear, circular or elliptical. Operate in HF, VHF and UHF. Considered as a broadband antenna. A simple way of obtaining high-gain. Dimensions of the helix are small compared with the wavelength. The antenna field is maximum in a plane normal to the helix axis and minimum along its axis.
The helix dimensions are at or above the wavelength of operation. Commonly employed only at frequencies ranging from VHF up to microwave. Produces a true and consistent circular polarization. Provides better gain and high bandwidth ratio as compared to the normal mode of operation. Installed on communication satellites and space vehicles as well as on earth station.
Frequency =900MHZ. Wavelength = 0.33m. NO. of turns =5 turns. Pitch angle = 14 degrees. Circumference of helix1 Lambda Space between turns0.08 m Helix diameter0.1 m Length of turns0.33m Axial length0.4m Antenna gain13.21 dB Half power beam width46 degrees Beam width at 1st null102 degrees Input impedance140 Ω
Ensures that the max Power is transferred from the outdoor antenna to the base unit through coaxial cable. Reduce the impedance of the outdoor antenna using:
It's electrical cable used to carry RF signal. Large bandwidth than twisted pair. High data rate. High immunity to interference.
For high frequency Connecting TX and Rx with their antennas. Local Area Network. For low frequency Long distance telephone transmission. F type connector : Inexpensive. 75Ω impedance.
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna PreAmplifierPreAmplifier
In general, the function of a preamp is to amplify a low-level signal to line-level. DESCRIPTION: Silicon amplifier consisting of an NPN double poly silicon transistor with integrated biasing for low voltage applications in a plastic.
Applications: Wideband applications, e.g. analog and digital cellular Telephones. High frequency oscillators. Low noise amplifiers. FEATURES: Low current. Very high power gain. Low noise figure. Control pin for adjustment bias current. Supply and RF output pin combined.
Circuit Diagram:
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna
Prevent intermodulation in base station receivers. Prevent interference with other mobile phones using the same booster. Minimize power consumption. Using the minimum power necessary for reliable communication with the selected base station, based on distance.
1) Power Amplifier: ALM Fully matched,input and output with 75 ohm. 16.5 dB gain. 5v supply. Low noise figure. Gain controlled.
2) Coupler It’s used for the connection between PA o/p and the RF detector i/P. The amount of coupling also defines the amount of feedback gain. Converts the PA output voltage into a DC voltage used for comparison with the DSP value (vref). HSMS-2825 schotty diode. 3) RF detector
Difference Amplifier Integrator Offset PA Control - + V dsp 4) Summer Circuit: + Detector o/p Offset value
4.1) Difference amplifier Error signal computation can be done using a difference amplifier. V det=detector o/p Vdsp=desired signal power level
4.2) Integrator Difference amplifier. Combined with the integrator into one operational amplifier, the Differential Integrator block.
4.3) Offset 2.8 V TX Enable signals produces the offset voltage. The PA control voltage is the sum of the integrator output and the desired offset. The loop is considered closed once the PA reaches threshold.
Typical Circuit:
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna
Omni directional antenna is used as indoor antenna. It's antenna that radiates equally in all directions. The only three dimensional Omni directional antenna is the unity gain isotropic antenna.
Features: Small and lightweight. No tuning components. Electrical: Frequency range: MHZ. Polarization linear. Feed point impedance 75 ohms. Mechanical: Size: x x 2.77 mm. Weight less than 2.5 g. Mounting: surface mounted technology.
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna
Dual band Amplifier for E-GSM (880 MHz to 915 MHz). Simple external circuit including output matching circuit. High gain 3 stage amplifier. High efficiency.
Typical Circuit: ItemSymbolRatingUNIT Supply voltageVdd8V Supply currentIdd GSM3A Vtxlo voltageVtxlo4V Input powerPin10dBm Output powerPout GSM5w
Preamplifier Power supply & Charge Battery IR receiver Power amplifier AGC BPF [Downlink] [Uplink] Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna Preamplifier Power amplifier AGC Outdoor antennaIndoor antenna
Remove unwanted frequency components from the signal. Enhances Wanted signal. It passes frequencies within a certain range ( MHZ) and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range. Frequency response.
These filters can also be created by combining a low-pass filter with a high-pass filter. An example of analogue electronic band-pass filter is an RLC circuit (resistor–inductor–capacitor circuit).
Pin No.Func. 1Input 2Gnd 3 4Output 5Gnd
Mini GSM 900 Wilson Cell Phone Booster Kit Wireless Desktop Cell Phone Booster Kit
Signal Booster Wireless Desktop Cell Phone Booster Kit Wilson Cell Phone Booster Kit MR-mini GSM900 Metric Coverage area 50 dB60 dB55 dB60 dBHigh gain 60$190$375$248$Low cost 120 Sec Time to assemble to desired area Pass World health organization limitation Yes Has special and distinct shape 12v10v12v10vLow i/p dc power