Brian Yusko Associate Dean of Academic Programs Subject and grade-level specific.


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Presentation transcript:

Brian Yusko Associate Dean of Academic Programs Subject and grade-level specific

 HB 1 requires all teacher education institutions to develop common metrics to submit to the state  Metrics were developed by the Ohio Board of Regents in consultation with the teacher education institutions  TPA is one of the metrics.  TPA will be aligned with the summative assessment for the Ohio Resident Educator program.  Ohio is one of 21 other states moving towards adoption of the TPA and is also one of 5 “accelerated states.” The current Ohio timeline:  : Pilot at least one task in at least one content area (CSU piloted all three tasks with 8 students in 3 content areas)  : Full implementation of TPA in at least one content area (CSU goal is to implement TPA with at least half of all student teachers in Spring 2012)  : Full implementation of TPA in all content areas  : Full, high-stakes implementation of TPA

 Discipline specific  Integrated assessment  Student centered  Analytic feedback and support  Represents a complex view of teaching: Multiple measures

4 Instructional and Social Context Learning Segment of 3 to 5 Hours/Days Task 1: Planning Instruction and Assessment Context for Learning Lesson Plans Instructional materials Assessment Plan Planning Commentary Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Video Clip(s) Instructional Commentary Task 3: Assessing Student Learning Analysis of whole class assessment Analysis of 2 “focus student” work samples Feedback to 2 “focus students” Assessment Commentary Evidence of academic language development Evidence of reflection through daily reflections and commentaries 4

 Planning  Instruction  Assessment  Academic Language  Reflection

 Oral and written language used for academic purposes  Language necessary for students to learn content in schools  The means by which students develop and express content understandings  Includes the “language of the discipline” (vocabulary and functions and forms of language associated with learning outcomes in a particular subject) and the “instructional language” used to engage students ‟ in learning content.

 Supervisors will help student teachers complete the TPA  All 3 tasks will be submitted to Pearson for scoring  Pearson will maintain the data, train scorers and oversee scoring, and provide scores back to institutions.  Scorers include faculty, school administrators, and other subject-area experts.

 Scorer training (optional but recommended)  Read relevant TPA Handbook(s)  Share handbook with student teachers at orientation  Provide consent forms to student teachers to distribute to the class where they will be completing the TPA  Incorporate discussion and submission of TPA tasks into seminars  Assist with videotaping  Provide formative assessment and guidance on each task  Assist with submission to Pearson

 Elementary: Literacy and Mathematics  Middle Childhood  English Language Arts  History-Social Studies  Mathematics  Science  Physical Education  Secondary:  English Language Arts  History-Social Studies  Mathematics  Science  Special Education  Early Childhood  Expected but not yet released  Visual Arts  World Languages

 Visit the Ohio TPA web site:   To apply to be a scorer visit: 