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Image: Photo Chop! Te Tuhi pre-visit lesson 3
During this lesson we will be exploring… Welcome to Photo Chop! Painting VS Technology Image: But before we start, let’s recap on what we learnt during our last lesson…
During our last lesson we learnt that Collage… was originally made by assembling materials such as newspaper clippings, coloured paper, photographs, bits of art or text and other interesting objects to canvas or paper provided artists to think about how images can communicate and images or text to use to communicate the right idea or message started to change over time. Artists were creating and mixing collage with painting, wood, sculpture, furniture, photography and computers
Let’s start this lesson by exploring “Painting VS Technology”. Image:
Painting and Technology What things can you do with painting that you can not do with technology? Image: Let’s take a closer look at painting and why it’s popular among artists and people interested in art. A painting can be created using different types of paints and inksSome artists choose to paint with…
Acrylic Painting Acrylic paint is commonly used because it comes in a range of colours. It dries quickly and you can make the paint thick or thin by adding a bit of water Oil Painting Many artist and painters choose to use oil paint because it dries slowly. This means they don’t have to rush their painting and can add and mix colours to their painting when they need to. Oil paint also has a bright and rich colour when painting. Image: Pastel Painting Many artists prefer to paint in pastel. It is rich and bright in colour and is easier to blend colours because the pastel is soft. Unlike oil or acrylic paint you don’t need a paint brush to paint. Pastel comes in sticks, similar to crayon. Pastel is great to use if you want to quickly paint something such as a sunset.
Watercolour Painting Some artists prefer to paint with watercolour. You can create many different shades of colour by adding water to the paint. Watercolour paint is often much more watery than acrylic or oil paint. This means artists have to use wet strength paper instead of normal paper. Ink Painting Ink paintings have been popular with many artists over the years. The ink is like black water and dries quickly. The more ink you use the darker the colour appears on paper. Many artists use brushes, pens and sticks when painting. This is because you can create interesting marks, lines and brush strokes. Image: Aerosol Painting Aerosol painting is most common with street art. There are no brushes as the paint comes in a can. The paint can dry quickly and it requires a certain skill to blend colours. This is because each colour comes in a different can. Painting in aerosol can be great if you are painting large scale.
Now let’s take a look at why technology has become popular as a way of making art Painting can offer a hand painted artwork Painting You can see the brush strokes made by the artist Every painting made is unique or original and can not be copied exactly
Image Photography Using a camera and being able to capture a landscape or person so quickly became a very popular form of art making for many artists. As technology developed artists were able to print their photographs from black/white to full colour. They could also capture light using a good camera and photographic techniques. Photography is also responsible for the art form Photomontage. Video Using a video camera and other computer software also became a popular way of making art. Just like directors making movies, artists could make video recordings of anything they were interested in. Many artists saw video as way of communicating messages and stories in visual detail. Artists are able to upload their video on the internet, where millions of people can experience their art. Image:
Image: Animation With technology developing so quickly and software being available, some artists decided to create art in animation. Creating art in animation meant artists could animate a world based on fantasy, reality or both. Artists using animation to create their art would generally make it into a video. Image Interactive Artists are finding new ways of making art interactive using technology. An artist making interactive art often has to think about the people viewing and interacting with their art. Image: Artist Rafael Lozano- Hemmer created an artwork where a large group of light bulbs hanging from a ceiling would flash on and off to the beat of a person’s heart. A person visiting the work would hold two steel bars which would read the person’s heart beat and send this information to the lights. Image: Installation Installation art is when an artwork interacts with its surrounding space. Image: This video projection can be considered installation art because the video is interacting with the design of the building. The artist created this video projection specifically for this building. Installation art is an interesting art form because it can be outside, inside, as big as a building or hand size.
Using a camera you can capture the world instantly Technology Art made in video, animation or photography can be uploaded to the internet and can be seen by millions of people Using technology you can create art that people can touch and interact with
Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far… As we have seen, painting and technology both offer creative ways of making art…
Painting What have we learnt so far? can offer a hand painted artwork that is unique and original which cannot be copied exactly can capture the world instantly, help make art interactive and be seen by millions of people through the internet. Technology uses a range of paints and styles such as, acrylic, oil, ink, watercolour, pastel and aerosol is an interesting tool to use when making art. Artist use technology such as cameras, video cameras, computers, sensors and projectors
We look forward to having you all here End of lesson