Habit #1 Be Proactive
Proactive vs. Reactive Proactive People Reactive People Make choices based on values. Think before they act. Know they can’t control what happens to them, but they can control their response to it. Make choice based on impulse. Do not think before they act. Blame others when bad things happen, and have a victim mentality.
Proactive Language I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’ll get right on that. I’m really not interested, but thank you. I’m sure we can think of a third alternative. I can.
Reactive Language It’s your fault. If only… I just can’t decide. That’s not fair. That’s just the way I am.
More Language… Reactive Proactive I’ll try. That’s just the way I am. There’s nothing I can do. I have to. I can’t You ruined my day. I’ll do it. I can do better than that. Let’s look at all our options. I choose to. There’s got to be a way. I’m not going to let your bad mood rub off on me.
Avoid the Victimitis Virus Reactive people can suffer from a contagious virus called “victimitis.” People infected with this disease believe that everyone has it in for them and that the world owes them something. Instead of recognizing that their attitude is the problem, they are easily offended, blame others, get angry, whine, complain, and wait for good things to happen to them.
Proactive People… Are not easily offended Take responsibility for their choices Think before they act Bounce back when something bad happens to them. Always find a way to make it happen Focus on things they can do something about, and don’t worry about things they can’t.
Live life on purpose, not by accident!