Stress What is the stress response?What is the stress response? What are my most common stressors?What are my most common stressors? What is the best stress.


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Presentation transcript:

Stress What is the stress response?What is the stress response? What are my most common stressors?What are my most common stressors? What is the best stress management strategy that would help me manage with my stress?What is the best stress management strategy that would help me manage with my stress?

What is Stress? Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed upon it It’s nonspecific due to the unlimited responses mental, physical & emotional

Types of Stressors DISTRESS(Harmful) Causes anxiety or concernCauses anxiety or concern Can be short- or long- termCan be short- or long- term Is perceived as outside of our coping abilitiesIs perceived as outside of our coping abilities Feels unpleasantFeels unpleasant Decreases performanceDecreases performance Can lead to mental and physical problemsCan lead to mental and physical problems EUSTRESS (Positive) Motivates, focuses energy Is short-term Is perceived as within our coping abilities Feels exciting Improves performance

The Stress Response or GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome) 1. Alarm – Initial response: the body’s sudden action and quick movement Sometimes referred to as the Fight or Flight responseSometimes referred to as the Fight or Flight response 2. Resistance – Second stage: the body’s attempt to regain a state of homeostasis Blood pressure, breathing rate and pulse rate return to a normal stateBlood pressure, breathing rate and pulse rate return to a normal state 3. Exhaustion – Third stage: the wear and tear on the body, lowered resistance to disease, and death

Factors Influencing the Effects of Stress and Stress Susceptibility Childhood experience (abuse can increase stress susceptibility)Childhood experience (abuse can increase stress susceptibility) Personality (certain personalities are more stress-prone than others)Personality (certain personalities are more stress-prone than others) Genetics (particularly inherited 'relaxation response', connected with serotonin levels, the brain's 'well-being chemical')Genetics (particularly inherited 'relaxation response', connected with serotonin levels, the brain's 'well-being chemical') Immunity abnormality (as might cause certain diseases such as arthritis and eczema, which weaken stress resilience)Immunity abnormality (as might cause certain diseases such as arthritis and eczema, which weaken stress resilience) Lifestyle (principally poor diet and lack of exercise)Lifestyle (principally poor diet and lack of exercise) Duration and intensity of stressors (obviously...)Duration and intensity of stressors (obviously...)

Causes of Stress Biological - Illness, disability, pain, hormonal imbalancesBiological - Illness, disability, pain, hormonal imbalances Cognitive - Pessimism, unrealistic expectations, negative self-talk, the way you perceive a situation or expect from itCognitive - Pessimism, unrealistic expectations, negative self-talk, the way you perceive a situation or expect from it Behavioral- Negative reactions in the mind/body caused by using harmful substances, too much physical activity, jobBehavioral- Negative reactions in the mind/body caused by using harmful substances, too much physical activity, job Environmental- Poverty, poor living conditions,Environmental- Poverty, poor living conditions, abuse, bullying or harrassment Life Situations- Death, break-up, divorce/separation of parent, job loss,Life Situations- Death, break-up, divorce/separation of parent, job loss,

Effects of Stress on Your…… BODYHeadache Back pain Chest pain Heart disease Heart palpitations High blood pressure Decreased immunity Stomach upset Increase risk for certain diseases that may cause death THOUGHTS/FEELINGS Sleep problems Sleep problemsAnxietyRestlessnessWorryingIrritabilityDepressionSadnessAnger Feeling insecure Lack of focus BurnoutForgetfulnessBEHAVIOROvereating Under eating Angry outbursts Drug or alcohol abuse Increased smoking Social withdrawal Crying spells Relationship conflict Self Injury

Proven Stress Reducers Time ManagementTime Management Write it down!Write it down! Don’t ProcrastinateDon’t Procrastinate PlanPlan Eliminate caffeineEliminate caffeine ExerciseExercise LaughLaugh Pursue your passionPursue your passion Get in touch with nature Get it out! Talk to someone Sleep/Rest Improve your diet Reduce toxins Sit in stillness Massage