How to Write Your Essay Follow these rules. They will ensure that you are meeting the guidelines of the CMS Graduation Paper.
Does your essay have a title Should be short Should give the reader an idea of the topic Should give the reader and idea of what you will talk about within that topic: Ex. A paper on child labor and why it is good could be called: Child Labor and the Benefits It Can Provide Should be at the top of your paper and should be centered.
Introduction Checklist Do you have a hook? Do you explain why your broad topic matter? (i.e, why as a reader should I care? Do you provide background information that would help the reader: Understand key terms Understand the specifics of your topic Is you thesis in bold? Does your thesis include 3 arguments (how and/or why you will prove your statement)
What does this look like?
Writing Your First Argument You will know what to write based on what the thesis statement! EX: Even though some people believe child labor is a violation of human rights, there should be exceptions for child labor because it is an income option for families in economic need, a high poverty rate makes it necessary, and being employed can keep kids away from trouble. Based on this, my first argument will be that Child Labor is a good thing because it helps families that are in economic need.
In your argument you will use quotes Quotes must come from a variety of sources You can use paraphrasing or direct quotes. No matter how you reference the material, there MUST be an internal citation: EX. According to World Bank economist George Pscacharopoulos, working children contribute on average about 27% of their household income in Venezuela (Clement). You know what to put in the parenthesis based on the works cited page: EX. Clement, Douglas. "Why Johnny Can't Work." Region Vol. 19, No. 2. June 2005: SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 09 Apr 2012.
Rules on Using Quotes When you use a quote, be sure that it is important When you write one line of a quote (even if it is paraphrased) you must explain why it matters and how it relates to your topic in at least 2 lines. Rule for every 1 line from another source, you must have 2 lines (min.) of explanation.
How Long Should Argument 1 be? 1 ½-2 pages in length You will have about 3-4 paragraphs per argument
What is due on Mon. 10/21 You paper TYPED, 12 pt font, double-spaced with 1 inch margins A title, which is at the top of the page and centered Your introduction, which includes your thesis statement in bold Your first argument which includes internal citations Your works cited page.