Division I Athletics Personnel - Advanced Kristen Matha and Eric Mayes 2015 NCAA Regional Rules Seminar Division I Athletics Personnel - Advanced
Overview Undergraduate Student Assistant Coaches. Volunteer Coaches. Scouting of Opponents. Countable Coaches. Replacement of Countable Coaches. Individuals Associated with Prospects (IAWP).
NCAA Bylaw 11.01.5 Undergraduate Student Assistant Coach Question: May an undergraduate student assistant participate with (e.g., shag balls, pick-up games) or observe student-athletes engaged in voluntary athletically related activities? Analysis: No, an undergraduate student assistant coach is considered a coach for purposes of CARA. It is permissible for an undergraduate student assistant coach to participate in general recreational activities (e.g., ultimate Frisbee, kick ball, etc.) that are open to all students, provided he or she does not report back to other members of the coaching staff and does not provide instruction to the participating student-athletes. An undergraduate student-assistant coach may not observe or participate in voluntary activities with student-athletes.
Bylaw 11.01.5 Undergraduate Student Assistant Coach Within 5-Year Period of Eligibility. Outside of 5-Year Period of Eligibility. If within 5-year period of eligibility then may only participate as a undergraduate student-assistant coach in the sport the student-athlete most recently participated in If outside 5-year period of eligibility then may serve as undergraduate student-assistant coach in any sport Permitting a undergraduate student-assistant to coach in any sport after the five-year period of eligibility is expired expands opportunities for student-athletes to gain coaching experience without competitive equity concerns due to exhausted eligibility (September 29, 2014, Staff Interpretation)
Prospective Student-Athlete Official Visits (December 12, 2014, Staff Interpretation) Graduate Assistant Coach Undergraduate Student Assistant Coach Manager All three may receive a meal with a prospect during the prospect’s official visit provided it is within 30 miles of campus May provide ground transportation to a prospect and the prospects parents to/from campus and any bus or train station or airport during official visit May also provide ground transportation from the nearest bus or train station or major airport for initial enrollment in summer term Previous interpretative guidance permitted graduate assistant and undergraduate student-assistant coaches to receive the meal and provide the transportation, this interpretation consolidated this guidance and extended the guidance to managers
Does Not Apply to Student-Athletes (SAs) Undergraduate Student Assistant and Manager Enrollment – Penultimate Term Fall Term 3 Offered. 2 Enrolled. Spring Term 1 Remaining. Does Not Apply to Student-Athletes (SAs) Fall Term 5 Offered. 2 Enrolled. Spring Term 3 Remaining. Summer Term Externship. The undergraduate student-assistant and manager legislation permits the student to be enrolled in less than a full-time during his or her final semester or quarter provided they are carrying the courses necessary to complete degree requirements This has been extended to include the penultimate term or “term before the final term” provided he or she is carrying for credit all the degree applicable courses necessary to complete degree requirements that are offered by the institution during that term Allows these students to continue to serve as an undergraduate student assistant coach or manager while not requiring them to enroll in unnecessary classes in order to be enrolled full-time; had previously received numerous waiver requests The first example represents a manager who must enroll in 3 classes to complete her degree requirements. The institution’s prescribed course sequencing only permits her to enroll in 2 of the 3 classes during the fall term with the last class during the spring term. May she be enrolled less than full-time during fall term? The second example represents a manager who must enroll in 5 classes and an externship to complete his degree requirements. The institution’s prescribed course sequencing only permits him to enroll in 2 of the 5 classes during the fall term and the last 3 classes during the spring term with the externship during the summer term. May he be enrolled less than full-time during the fall term? (November 7, 2014, Staff Interpretation; November 24, 2014, Educational Column)
Undergraduate Student Assistant and Manager Enrollment – Penultimate Term …an undergraduate student assistant coach or manager may be enrolled less than full time during the penultimate term (i.e., term before the final term) of his or her degree program, provided he or she is carrying for credit all the degree-applicable courses necessary to complete his or her degree requirements that are offered by the institution during that term. (November 7, 2014, Staff Interpretation) Circumstances that would constitute what is “offered” by the institution during the penultimate term would include course sequencing, course conflicts, courses at capacity Conflicts with practice time is not an circumstance
Bylaw 11.01.6 Volunteer Coach - Employment Athletics Department Funded by Athletics Institution Legislation prohibits a volunteer coach from receiving compensation from the institution’s athletics department, any organization funded in whole or in part by the athletics department or an organization that is primarily involved in the promotion of the athletics department It does however permit a volunteer coach to be employed by the institution provided there is no involvement, arrangement or funding from athletics. This may included a faculty teaching position, registrar office or business office. Note that an organization that is primarily involved in the promotion of the athletics department includes outside companies that the institution contracts with to brand or promote athletics – for example IMG/Learfield – regardless of whether the individual is considered an institutional employee Promoting Athletics
(May 13, 1992, Staff Interpretation) Bylaw 11.01.6 Volunteer Coach FALL SPRING Manager Volunteer Coach Analysis: Alternating volunteer coaches. (May 13, 1992, Staff Interpretation) Compensation during terms. You have an individual who served as a manager during the fall semester and the coach would like to move that individual into a volunteer coach position in the spring. The analysis includes the application of a 1992 interpretation as well as the compensation receive during the fall and spring terms by the manager
Bylaw 11.01.6 Volunteer Coach FALL SPRING FALL SPRING Manager Left Institution The starting point for the 1992 interpretation is that an individual designated as volunteer coach assumes that position for the duration of the academic year. So if the head coach wants to swap these two individuals, then that would be impermissible. However, if the current volunteer coach has left through normal attrition then it would be permissible for the manager to become the volunteer coach during the spring term. The next item to review is compensation. If the individual moving into the volunteer coach position is receiving compensation with an athletics department nexus then the institution would need to terminate the salary prior to staring the volunteer coach position. Note, if the individual was receiving tuition as part of their compensation then the institution would need to end tuition at the term. The individual could not continue to receive tuition while serving as volunteer coach.
Bylaw Scouting of Opponents Fact Pattern: Your soccer team won its first tournament match and the team is staying at the site after the competition to watch a future opponent. Is it permissible for your undergraduate student assistant coach and volunteer coach to remain with the team? Analysis: Yes, the entire travel team may observe a future opponent at the same site on the same date that the institution’s team competes. No observation permitted at any other sites or on any other days that the institution does not compete. March 17, 2014, Staff Interpretation. Would be permitted to remain with the team at the site to observe but not scout Includes noncoaching staff with sport-specific responsibilities and coaches other than the head and assistant coaches (who may scout)
Bylaw Scouting of Opponents Fact Pattern: Your softball team is competing in a tournament that has three separate sites (A, B and C). Your team is only competing at site A and B but wants to scout a future opponent at site C. Is this permissible? Analysis: No, your head or assistant coach may only scout future opponents at the sites the team has played or will play during the course of the event/tournament. No same day requirement. Multiple fields or gyms at a facility constitutes a single site. Multiple facilities on an institution’s campus are considered one site Case by case review when analyzing whether facilities constitute one site
Bylaw Countable Coach NCAA Division I Proposal No. 2013-24. Rationale: Clearly identify and define those actions that will result in an individual being included in the coaching limitation in a particular sport. A countable coach is any institutional staff member or any other individual outside the institution with whom the institution has made arrangements that…
Bylaw Countable Coach Countable Coach. Technical/Tactical Instruction - Related to SA’s sport at any time. Tactical Decisions - Related to on-field or on-court practice or competition. Off-Campus Recruiting Activities.
Bylaw Countable Coach Technical Instruction. Directing or teaching a SA any sports-related technique. Tactical Instruction. Directing or teaching a SA strategy, maneuver, play or scheme. Tactical Decisions. A conclusion, determination or judgment related to strategy, maneuver, play or scheme. (April 3, 2014, Educational Column)
Bylaw 11.7.3 Noncoaching Staff Members with Sports Specific Responsibilities A noncoaching staff member with sports specific responsibilities may not participate in on-court or on-field activities or observe SAs who are participating in voluntary athletically related activities in the staff member’s sport. (July 24, 2014, Education Column)
Bylaws and 11.7.3 Fact Pattern: Your softball team would like its director of softball operations (DSO) to signal dummy calls during competition to confuse the opposing team. May the DSO do this without triggering the definition of a countable coach? Analysis: No, signaling dummy calls (regardless of whether the plays are real) would be considered tactical instruction. Impermissible on-field activity for a noncoaching staff member with sports specific responsibilities. Trigger the DSO as a countable coach in softball. What about a manager?
Bylaws and 11.7.3 Fact Pattern: Your football team would like its director of football operations (DFO) to wear a “dead” headset during competition to hear in-game communication between coaching staff members and track defensive schemes. May the DFO do this without triggering the definition of a countable coach? Analysis: Yes, as wearing a headset does not constitute technical or tactical instruction or tactical decision making. What about tracking defensive schemes? DFO is permitted to observe or perform administrative duties during practice or competition.
Bylaws and 11.7.3 Fact Pattern: Your football team would like to hire an individual to assess its SAs’ blocking and tackling technique. The individual will attend practice for a series of days and assist SAs in developing proper blocking and tackling form. Finally, the individual will report his findings back to the institution’s coaching staff. May the individual do this without triggering the definition of a countable coach? Analysis: No, as the individual is providing sport-specific technical instruction (i.e., blocking/tackling technique) to SAs. What if the individual only reports his findings back to the coaching staff? What if an individual SA hires the individual to provide technical instruction? What if an individual student-athlete hires the individual to provide technical instruction? - Good example: Private swing coach in golf. Would not trigger provided: 1.) Athletics staff is not involved; 2.) Coaching staff does not observe the activity; and 3.) Activity does not occur at institution’s facility.
Bylaw Use of a Sports Psychologist. Institution’s designated sports psychologist may attend practice sessions without being included in the institution’s coaching limitations provided: Individual does not provide technical or tactical instruction or assist in making tactical decisions during on-court or on-field practice or competition; Individual may evaluate only for purposes of off-court or off-field noncoaching activities (e.g., mental imagery); and If meetings are required, they are considered as countable athletically related activity (CARA) and must count accordingly. (February 2, 2015, Official Interpretation)
Bylaw Replacement of Countable Coaches Duplication of Duties Extenuating Circumstances Time Span Throwing Batting Practice + Instruction. Family Illness, Wedding. >Year. If the head baseball coach is no longer able to throw batting practice and the director of baseball operations will replace the head coach for that specific duty then the institution needs to make sure that the noncoaching staff member only throws batting practice without providing any instruction, which will continue to be provided by the head coach Extenuating circumstances (what should the analysis be?) If replacement exceeds 1 year then the institution should consider filing a waiver
Bylaw 11.4.2 IAWP - - Men’s Basketball An IAWP is an individual who: Maintains (or directs others to maintain) contact with a prospective student-athlete (PSA), his relatives or legal guardians, or coaches at any point during the PSA’s participation in basketball; and Whose contact is directly or indirectly related to either the PSA’s athletics skills and abilities or his recruitment to an NCAA institution. (Bylaw 13.02.17)
Bylaw 11.4.2 IAWP - - Men’s Basketball If an institution hires an IAWP in any athletics department noncoaching staff position or a strength and conditioning staff position, a violation of Bylaw 11.4.2 occurs when a triggered PSA: Has enrolled at the institution within two years prior to the IAWP’s hire date; or Enrolls at the institution within two years after the IAWP’s hire date. (November 7, 2013, Educational Column)
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2015 Institution No. 2 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 2017
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2015 Institution No. 2 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 2017
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2015 Institution No. 2 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 2017
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2015 Institution No. 2 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 2017
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2013 Institution No. 2 2014 2015 Director of Basketball Operations 2016
All PSAs from AAU and Enrolled SAs at Institution No. 1. Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 All PSAs from AAU and Enrolled SAs at Institution No. 1. 2013 Institution No. 2 2014 2015 Director of Basketball Operations 2016
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2013 Institution No. 2 2014 2015 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 Assistant Coach
All PSAs from AAU and Enrolled SAs at Institution No. 1. Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 All PSAs from AAU and Enrolled SAs at Institution No. 1. 2013 Institution No. 2 2014 2015 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 Assistant Coach
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2013 Institution No. 2 2014 2015 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 Terminated
All PSAs from AAU and Enrolled SAs at Institution No. 1. Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 All PSAs from AAU and Enrolled SAs at Institution No. 1. 2013 Institution No. 2 2014 2015 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 Terminated
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 2015 Institution No. 1 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 2017
All PSAs from AAU, All Recruited PSAs (including current SAs). Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 AAU Head Coach 2012 Institution No. 1 Assistant Coach 2013 2014 All PSAs from AAU, All Recruited PSAs (including current SAs). Note: May 29, 2014 Basketball Issue Subcommittee are looking to remove this application from IAWP legislation. Stay tuned for potential changes. Student-athlete Reinstatement (SAR) supported the request. 2015 Institution No. 1 Director of Basketball Operations 2016 2017
Bylaw 11.4.2 Case Study 2011 Institution No. 1 Student-athlete 2012 2013 2014 SAs do not trigger IAWP status while enrolled at an institution. However, once the SA is no longer in attendance at the institution, IAWP status can be triggered and legislation would apply. 2015 Institution No. 1 Video Coordinator 2016 2017