WHRHS MATHEMATICS/BUSINESS DEPARTMENT th grade Orientation Contact Information: Director of Mathematics & Instructional Technology: Michael D’Alessio x6844
9 th grades classes Geometry Honors, Accelerated, College Prep ◦ 8 th grade student must successfully complete Algebra 1 Algebra 1Accelerated or College Prep ◦ 8 th grade student must successfully complete pre-algebra
Mathematics Course Flow chart 8th grade Algebra 1 9th grade Geomety H 10th grade Algebra 2H 11th grade Pre-Calculus H 12th grade AP Calculus AB/BC 9th grade Geometry A 10th grade Algebra 2 A 11th grade Pre-calculus A 12th grade Calculus A 11th grade Adv Math w/Trig A 12th grade Precalculus A or 1/2 Pre-calculus 8th grade Pre-Algebra 9th grade Algebra 1 A 10th grade Geometry A 11th grade Algebra2 A 12th grade Adv Math w/Trig A 9th grade Algebra 1 CP *10th grade Geometry CP 11th grade Algebra 2 CP 12th grade Topics in College Math/Algebra 3 CP 8th grade Algebra 1 9th grade Geomety CP 10th grade Algebra 2CP 11th grade Topics in College Math/Algebra 3CP 12th gade Adv Math w/trig A
SAT MATHEMATICS SCORES Profile Class of 2013 ◦ Mathematics average of 578 ◦ Combined Math and Critical Reading=1131 ◦ Combined Math, Critical Reading, Writing=1688
AP Courses (Calculus and Statistics) AP Grades AP Grades Click Here
Math Team Math League ◦ st in Somerset County, 9 th State ◦ nd in Somerset County, 6 th in State ◦ rd in Somerset County,, 19 th in State ◦ th in Somerset County, 29 th in State CURRENTLY FOR ST IN COUNTY 4 TH IN THE STATE ◦ AMTNJ (discontinued after 2012) rd Gamma Division (>2000 students) nd in Gamma Division (>2000 students) st in Gamma Division (>2000 students) 2012-DNP-Hurricane Sandy
Recommendation Guidelines
Recommendation Guidelines
Recommendation Guidelines
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Dedicated to 21 st Century College and career readiness.
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Accounting Technology Social Business Personal Finance Business Management Business Technologies Microsoft Office Specialist Web Design AP Computer Science Game Programming Accounting 1,2,3 Sports and Entertainment Management Entrepreneurship Personal Finance ½ Year Course NJ Requirement as part of 21 st century high school redesign