Electronic Note Cards: Jeanne d’Arc José Aguilar
Card #1 Source: Susan Banfield, Joan of Arc, Subject: Chronicles the experiences Joan of Arc. Keywords: Joan of Arc, Hundred Years’ War, The Stake, Prophecy Abstract: Joan of Arc was a peasant girl with little education who has been immortalized as a military leader, national heroine, and saint. She heard the voices of saints, persuaded Dauphin Charles to give her an army and she led it to a great victory at Orleans. The fact that Joan of Arc rose from being a peasant to being a very important and successful military leader tells that her character and how other saw her was very outstanding. This source is long but easy to understand, and has a lot of useful information about her complete life.
Card #2 Source: Joan of Arc, March, 2010, – DeVries, Kelly (1999). Joan of Arc: A Military Leader. Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing. DeVries, Kelly – Lucie-Smith, Edward (1976). Joan of Arc. Bristol: Allen Lane. – Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret). Jeanne d'Arc: Her Life and Death. Jeanne d'Arc: Her Life and Death – Royal Intrigue: Crisis at the Court of Charles VI, 1392–1420. Richard C. Famiglietti. New York: AMS Press Subject: Joan of Arc’s life, accomplishments, and legacy. Keywords: Peasant, life, leadership, trial, execution. Abstract: is a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint. A peasant girl born in eastern France, she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War, claiming divine guidance, and was indirectly responsible for the coronation of Charles VII. She was captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old. It is an important point that Joan of Arc caused victories during a war and influenced on the coronation of a king. This assures that her actions were of mayor importance.
Card #3 Source: Herbert Thurston, "St. Joan of Arc.“, 1910, Vol. 8, Subject: St. Joan of Arc’s life and beatification. Keywords: St. Joan of Arc, beautification, God’s will, supernatural. Abstract: At last the cause of her beatification was introduced upon occasion of an appeal addressed to the Holy See, in 1869, by Mgr Dupanloup, Bishop of Orléans, and, after passing through all its stages and being duly confirmed by the necessary miracles, the process ended in the decree being published by Pius X on 11 April, A Mass and Office of St. Joan, taken from the "Commune Virginum," with "proper" prayers, have been approved by the Holy See for use in the Diocese of Orléans. If Joan of Arc was important for the church, she should have been important for the country.
Card #4 Source: Bois, Danuta. "Joan of Arc." Distinguished Women of Past and Present Web. 14 Apr \ Subject: The life of Joan of Arc Keywords: Joan of Arc Abstract: At the battle of Orleans in May 1429, Joan led the troops to a miraculous victory over the English. She continued fighting the enemy in other locations along the Loire. Charles VII was crowned king of France on July 17, 1429 in Reims Cathedral. At the coronation, Joan was given a place of honor next to the king. Later, she was ennobled for her services to the country. In 1430 she was captured by the Burgundians while defending Compiegne near Paris and was sold to the English. Joan was convicted after a fourteen-month interrogation and on May 30, 1431 she was burned at the stake in the Rouen marketplace. This source is short and therefore serves as a strong summary of Joan of Arc’s life. Helps to organize the ideas.
Card #5: Source : Williamson, Allen. "Joan of Arc's Letters." Archive.joan-of- arc.org. Web. 13 Apr Subject: The letters sent by Joan of Arc Keywords: Letters, scribes, copies, originals, translation Abstract: Below is a list of letters which Joan of Arc dictated to the scribes in her army and the clergy at Poitiers and other locations. The letters of Joan of Arc are very influenced by her religious ideals. Reading them as a primary source is very important for a research paper.
Card #6 Source: "Hundred Years´ War." Invicta Media, 6 Nov Web. 14 Apr Subject: Explains step by step what happened in the Hundred Years´War. Keywords: Hundred Year´s War, Misery, Raids, Long Wars. Abstract: Fighting started in the Hundred Years' War because the Kings of England - descendants of William the Conqueror who still spoke French -wanted to rule France as well. France was temptingly weak and divided. It began with the English King already ruling a large part of France; it ended with him ruling hardly any, but with what is now Nord - Pas de Calais split off under foreign rule for several centuries. It is interesting that the rulers of a country can try to rule another country because of his ancestry. The source is very useful because it clearly describes the moment in time in which Joan of Arc lived.