Legislation and Policy Mark Grady – Principal Policy Officer, Children & Enterprise Shélah Semoff – Partnership Officer, Halton Strategic Partnership
Bullying and the School Inspection Framework 2013 The inspection is independent external evaluation of its effectiveness and a diagnosis of what it should do to improve. Bullying will be inspected under the framework within Behaviour and safety of pupils at the school judgement In particular, inspectors will look at pupils’ behaviour towards, and respect for, other young people and adults, and their freedom from bullying, harassment, and discrimination This may include cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying It will also include language related to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010.
Question 1 How many reports have been made since the launch of the new Prejudiced Based Recording and Reporting Guidance (September 2013)? A:0 B:1 C:4 D:10
Question 1 How many reports have been made since the launch of the new Prejudiced Based Recording and Reporting Guidance (September 2013)? ANSWER:4 (3 Racist, 1 Homophobic)
Expectations of Professionals Voice concerns! Every professional working with young people has a statutory duty to report any concerns around abuse within their organisation. This can be done by…… Contacting the Safeguarding Officer in the school or the police. Accessing your whistleblowing policy can be used to ensure anonymity if raising concerns within own organisation. Contacting Ofsted to raise concerns if there are any problems with doing this within your organisation.
Question 2 According to a 2013 Halton survey with schools, which from the following was seen as the best method to help to stop bullying? A: Assemblies about bullying B: Clear rules about bullying and what will happen if you bully C:Classroom lessons D:Ensuring parents and carers know what bullying is E:Knowing there is an adult to talk to if you are worried about bullying F:Being able to talk to other children or young people
Question 2 According to a 2013 Halton survey with schools, which from the following was seen as the best method to help to stop bullying? Answer: E:Knowing there is an adult to talk to if you are worried about bullying
What does best practice look like? Ofsted’s (2012) criteria for ‘outstanding’ performance involves the following: “Pupils need to understand different forms of bullying and are instrumental in preventing its occurrence. The school has a proactive approach to the identification of any bullying and this prevents it from happening.”
What does best practice look like? A checklist for schools (DfE, 2012) “Schools should: Involve parents Have positive behaviour policies – based on respect Gather information Involve pupils Regularly evaluate Implement disciplinary sanctions Openly discuss difference between people and value diversity Use specific organisations or resources for help Provide effective staff training Work with the wider community Make it easy for children to report bullying Create an inclusive environment Celebrate success”
Question 3 According to a national YouGov Poll, what proportion of Primary School teachers say children experience homophobic bullying in their schools? A: 0% B: 25% C:40% D:60%
Question 3 According to a national YouGov Poll, what proportion of Primary School teachers say children experience homophobic bullying in their schools? Answer: C:40% For more information see l/quick_links/education_resources/5166.asp l/quick_links/education_resources/5166.asp
Celebrating Success in Halton Stonewall – national lesbian, gay and bisexual charity Education for All campaign – Stonewall’s campaign against homophobic bullying and celebrating difference. Halton was ranked 27 th nationally on Stonewall’s Equality Index 2014 due to for example: 2013 Anti-Bullying Conference Anti-Bullying model policy template for schools Involving young people in anti-bullying work through the Youth Parliament and in the 2013 poster competition Support and guidance offered to schools. Recording and monitoring of bullying incidents.
Question 4 What proportion of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people experience homophobic bullying? A: 40% B: 65% C:75% D:90%
Question 4 What proportion of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people experience homophobic bullying? Answer: B: 65% For more information visit l/quick_links/education_resources/5739.asp l/quick_links/education_resources/5739.asp
Next Steps We want to achieve an even higher ranking in 2015 through This conference Prejudiced Based Reporting System Local survey Halton Behaviour Strategy – encompassing bullying and accreditation for schools is being developed. Launch of new dedicated website on which to access these -
SEND Local Offer for Halton A key requirement of the Special Educational Needs & Disability Reforms within the Children & Families Act 2014 is to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’. The guidance focuses on Education, Health and Social Care provision for children and young people aged 0-25 years – Halton’s Local Offer takes this further. Information is clear, comprehensive and accessible. It is not a directory – it responds to local needs and involves children, young people and parents in development and review.
Question 5 According to research conducted in 2014, what proportion of young people with learning difficulties experience bullying? A: 40% B: 50% C:70% D:80%
Question 5 According to research conducted in 2014, what proportion of young people with learning difficulties experience bullying? Answer: D:80% For more information & download Anti-Bullying Week resources for schools, parents of voluntary agencies visit school-leaders-and-teachers-briefing-final.pdf school-leaders-and-teachers-briefing-final.pdf
Local Offer - visit for any information on all services for children and young people – if you cannot find it let us know! or are the Halton Children’s Trust visit Document from today available from All information is cascaded on our Twitter feed – – and let us know any feedback/questions! or For more information
Useful Websites/Links