INTRO. VOCAB: Pas de basque – basque step, rom folk dances of the Basque region between France and Spain Pas de bourree – bourree step, series of three little steps done in any direction and/or turning Pas de chat – step of the cat Pas de deux – step of tow Passe – to pass Petit – small Pique – to prick Pirouette – whirl or spin Plie – to bend Port de bras – carriage of the arms
INTER. VOCAB.: Croise – in the shape of a cross De face – full face front Degage – to disengage Demi - half Devant - front Derriere - behind Detourne – turned aside Developpe – to develop Ecarte – wide apart Echappe – to escape
ADV. VOCAB.: Degage – to disengage Demi - hald Derriere - behind Detourne – turned aside Developpe – to develop Entrechat - interweaving Ecarte – wide apart Echappe – to escape Efface - shaded Elan – spring, dash, outburst
MARK MORRIS Born 1956-present Currently located in Brooklyn Known for his eclectic, comical, humorous work and musical accompaniments Trained in ballet and flamenco 1980, performed first work under the title of Mark Morris Dance Group 1988: replaced Director of Dance in Brussels at Theatre Royal de la Monnaie; became the Monnaie Dance Group Mark Morris; given offices, studio, full health insurance for himself, his dancers and his staff, an orchestra and chorus and one of the greatest stages in Europe Had done several contemporary ballets for San Francisco Ballet (8); In high demand in among ballet companies Labeled as the “bad boy of modern dance” Collaborated with Mikhail Baryishnikov to create The White Oaks Dance Project Choreographed, “The Hard Nut” -- a parody of, “The Nutcracker;” comical rendition of classical ballet set in 1960s American suburbia
MARK MORRIS The Hard Nut : Waltz of the Snowflakes (Morris) Waltz of the Snowflakes: The Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky)
PARSONS DANCE Founded 1985 with lighting director Howard Binkley Been commissioned by Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, American Ballet Theatre, Jacob’s Pillow; work has been performed by several professional contemporary dance companies all over the world Perform family-friendly contemporary dance 8 dancers
ASSIGNMENT #2, DUE BY THE END OF CLASS: Respond to the following questions. Each answer must be 4-5 sentences long. 1.What about your dancing makes you stand out? Describe. 2.What do you hope others take away from watching your performance or choreography? 3.What about dancing and movement makes you feel good and why? Describe in detail. 4.If you could dance to any song, what would it be? Why? 5. What about your dancing and abilities makes you proud? 6. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your favorite spot. Begin to dance in that spot in your imagination. Describe the feelings this evokes.
Gallim Dance Keigwin + Co. Batsheva Dance Ensemble Netherlands Dance Theatre Sidra Bell Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company L.A. Contemporary Dance Company Peridance Contemporary Dance Company Doug Varone and Dancers Camille A. Brown and Dancers David Dorfman Dance AXIS Dance Company Trey McIntire Project Select one of the following to complete your research paper for assignment 3:
ASSIGNMENT #3; DUE FRIDAY SEPT. 20: Choose one of the choreographers/dance companies listed on the next slide to research. Write a two page paper on the information gathered (typed). 1. Include details on the company’s origin, significant founding or contributing members, characteristics on movement style, important events in the company’s history, etc. 2. Include your thoughts, feelings, responses and observations after researching and viewing videos of your selected choreographer/company. 3. Include why your selected choreographer/company is significant to modern dance of the 21 st century. Refer back to PowerPoint lectures from weeks past to refer to details on post-modern dance and important modern dance innovators to help.
EXTRA!! Extra points rewarded to anyone who performs a short solo demonstrating their selected company/choreographer’s style of movement.