1 Welcome to Today’s ECLIPS Webinar
2 Arrival & Check-in What’s happened since our last gathering that you’d like to share with the group (either personal or professional)?
3 ECLIPS Webinar August 17, 2012 Creating Fuzzy Logic Models for ECLIPS Work
4 Overview of Today’s Webinar Check-in SEEs and RCLs share fuzzy logic model of their evaluation (logic model informed by systems thinking) (8 minutes each) ECLIPS fuzzy logic model Capturing learnings from ECLIPS work Value-creation templates Redesigned systems-informed evaluation plan Plans for next webinars, October 28 meeting and AEA session
5 Recap of July Webinar Highlights OPSP Fuzzy Logic Model
6 Oregon Paint Stewardship Program’s Initial Logic Model
7 Oregon Paint Stewardship Program’s System Thinking Ideas
8 OPSP’s Fuzzy Logic Model (Systems-Oriented Logic Model)
9 SEEs Fuzzy Logic Models
Low Unorganized Agreement Simple, Controlled, & Organized High CertaintyLow Develop Employment Readiness Course Present Apprenticeship Program to Students and Teachers Continue to Secure local IT Business Partnerships Work with State Liaison, who Works Directly with State employers Work with State Agencies to Employ Displaced Workers College Recruitment Process Adaptive & Self Organized IT Apprenticeship Coach Constantly Planning for Success
12 Karen’s Evaluation Questions To what degree: 1. does videoconference technology support the participants? 2. do students become skilled in data collection, analysis, and display? 3. do students become skilled at using GIS technology to display and analyze data? 4. do students gain skill in producing documentaries? 5. do students gain skill at using data to answer questions about energy? 6. do participants become more knowledgeable about energy production and use? 7. do the students become more interested in pursuing an energy- related career or any STEM-related career?
Fuzzy Logic Model The Island Institute & Energy for ME
14 Build-It Scale Up (Ginger)
15 RCLs Fuzzy Logic Models
ITEST Community NSF ITEST Participants Increase underrepresented groups’ participation in the STEM workforce Has information to: ♦ Understand ITEST Portfolio, work effectively with PIs, and report to stakeholders within and outside of NSF ♦ Inform future resource center design for NSF and other funders’ programs Changes in practice positively affect implementation and evaluation Contribute and exchange knowledge, experience, and expertise Other STEM Education Stakeholders Increase knowledge and adoption of effective ITEST models, interventions, strategies, and research-based practices Technical Assistance and Collaboration Data Gathering and Synthesis Dissemination ITEST LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER FUZZY LOGIC MODEL ♦ Positive change in teaching practice ♦ Increase STEM knowledge, skills, attitudes ♦ Increase STEM Careers knowledge, skills, attitudes STEM Workforce Other STEM Education Programs ITEST LRC Increase knowledge and capacity to design, evaluate, and refine individual projects Facilitate Community of Practice Annual Meeting TA events (online, in-person) Website One-on-one support Topical Interest Groups Annual MIS questionnaire Publications Conference presentations
17 ECLIPS Fuzzy Logic Model
18 ECLIPS Fuzzy Logic Model (partial) Common Evaluation Paradigm Systems- oriented Evaluation Paradigm Dissonance Phase Testing Phase Tipping Point Phase Surrounding Conditions (other evaluation learners and learning formats, evaluation activities) New concepts Mutual respect Shared learning Application Concept clarification Examples ECLIPS 2.0 ECLIPS 1.0
19 Capturing ECLIPS Learning Values Creation Stories Redesigned Systems- Informed Evaluation Plan
20 September Webinar Topics Contextually Responsive Evaluation – Veronica Thomas Check in on: using Values Creation templates revised evaluation plan for SEEs project Plans for October 19 webinar and October 28 meeting