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Presentation transcript:

NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. WORD PARTS Week 5, Day 2

Connection  We have discussed how to tune in to interesting words while reading to expand our vocabulary.  Some readers/students have even set goals to work on better understanding vocabulary in their reading.

Teaching Point  Today we will learn how to use word parts as clues to the meaning of a word.  This lesson uses the prefix “dis” and “non.”  Let’s look at and define the word part and how it affects the meaning of the word.  The prefix “dis” as well as the prefix “non” means not, or not any.  When this prefix is applied to a word it changes the meaning of the word to its opposite.  What other examples of the word part can you think of? Let’s list these on a sheet of chart paper.

Non means NOT  nondescript  nonexistent  nonfat  nonfiction  nonsense

dis- not, opposite, reverse, away  Disagree  Disallow  Disarray  Disconnect  Disloyal  Disrespect

Prefix and Suffix Rap   Chorus Words are power, and that’s the truth Prefixes, suffixes, and they all got roots Words are power, they run this town So let’s run the track back, and break ‘em on down  Verse I Let me break this down, we start with root words the truest Not a full word, just a linguistic unit You get a lot of room here to improvise Visualize words of small size as I summarize “aqua” means water, “ami” means love “bio” means life, “hemo” means blood “geo” means earth, and “vita” means life Let’s hit the next topic so y’all can get it right  Chorus

 Verse II You want to know what’s next, it’s the prefix step The initial portion of a term or object Look at the word itself, it’s a two-part patch “pre” means before, and “fix” is to attach “anti-” means against, “inter-” means between “poly-” means many, while “homo-” means the same “pseudo-” means false, and “trans-” mean across Prefixes start words, you should never take a loss Chorus

 Verse III If prefixes come before, then what’s the next chapter Suffixes follows root words, so they must come after And while this may sound absurd A suffix can also change the grammar function of a whole word “Wait, from adjectives to adverbs?” Like clear into clearly “But then child into childish?” It’s semantics, can you hear me? “-ology” means study of, “-ism” is belief in “-cide” means killing, and “-or” and “-er” mean demonstration “-phobia” means fear of, “-kinesis” means movement And that’s what it is, now you’re getting some improvement

 Let’s look at the word, disrespect.  The word respect means to show consideration for someone.  By adding the prefix “dis” it changes the meaning to the opposite.)  As you find a word with the prefix “dis” or “non,” add it to the anchor chart and discuss its meaning.

Link  Today we learned how to use word parts as clues to determine a word’s meaning.  As you read today, look out for words that contain the prefix “dis” or “non.”  Think about how the prefix affects the word’s meaning.