Directions for Socratic Seminar
1. Move desks into a circle 2. Explain the rules of Socratic Seminar
Rules for Socratic Seminar: 1.Everyone MUST participate. You must say at least one thing to get your grade. -Give a compliment. “I really liked how this piece _____________.” -Ask a question. “One thing that confused me was____________.” -Make a point/ observation. “ This piece _____________.” -Highlight a grammar error.“I noticed that there was ________________ error.” -Elaborate on the comment of someone else. 2.Do not raise your hand. 3.One speaker at a time. If two people begin at the same time, then one person must back down. 4.No dominating the conversation. 5.Paraphrase the person who spoke before you prior to beginning your comment. 6.No negativity towards the piece or its author. Comments like “this sucks” or “this person’s ideas are dull” will not be tolerated. (You will get a 0.)