Equita Mortgage Group “Preserving Your Financial Future”
Our Promise to You We will tailor an affordable mortgage protection plan that protects your most treasured assets – Your Family and Your Home. We will tailor an affordable mortgage protection plan that protects your most treasured assets – Your Family and Your Home.
We Represent the Top Insurers in Mortgage Protection Market We go to work for you! We will select the product and company that best fits your budget and your needs.
Consider These Questions Can your family continue to pay mortgage payments if you’re no longer able? What will happen to your family income if you die or become disabled? Will your investments or savings cover your family’s monthly expenses?
Losing Your Home Is a Real Risk Most people lose their homes through: –Death 56 out of every 1000 people die before age 5056 out of every 1000 people die before age 50 –Unemployment One of every 10 Americans will become unemployed this year for a period of 6 months or moreOne of every 10 Americans will become unemployed this year for a period of 6 months or more –Critical Illness Last year more than 1.2 million Americans were diagnosed with cancerLast year more than 1.2 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer –Disability You have a 1 in 3 chance of being disabled in excess of 90 days before you reach 65You have a 1 in 3 chance of being disabled in excess of 90 days before you reach 65
Traditional Mortgage Protection Decreasing Term Insurance Premium stays level while benefit decreases with mortgage balancePremium stays level while benefit decreases with mortgage balance Bank or Mortgage Company Is Beneficiary All benefits are paid to bank/mortgage companyAll benefits are paid to bank/mortgage company You Pay Premiums, Bank gets benefits Coverage is not transferable or portable Accidental Death Insurance Least expensive insurance often with limited coverage (less than 2% of all deaths are caused by accident)Least expensive insurance often with limited coverage (less than 2% of all deaths are caused by accident)
Mortgage Protection Plan Features Death Benefit remains level. Covers any kind of death. Natural or accidental (Suicide after 2 years) Choice of Beneficiary Leave the money to your family. Coverage is portable and transferable. Premiums do not increase. Premiums are Guaranteed for full term Accidental Death Benefits Available Children’s coverage through One Affordable Rider
Living Benefit Options Disability Pays monthly benefit should you become disabledPays monthly benefit should you become disabled Waiver of premium Pays your policy premium if you become disabledPays your policy premium if you become disabled Involuntary unemployment Will waive your policy premium up to six months Critical Illness Accelerated death benefit of up to 50% of the face amount Money Back Option Receive a refund of ALL of your premiums paid at the end of policy termReceive a refund of ALL of your premiums paid at the end of policy term
Your Promise to Your Family Not to go.. UNPROTECTED You never know when something might happen. What would family do if you did not make it home?
Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Financial Strength $6.2 Billion in force $644.2 Million in assets $74.1 Million in Capital & Surplus (American-Amicable Group, as of 6/30/08) Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Quick Agent Set Ups Fast New Business Processing Application Scanning/Faxing and Echeck Quick Payout (Advances Paid Daily) Agent Friendly Website / Agent Efile Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution A Company to build with…
Marketing Sales Website Agent Efile Reports for tracking New Business Commission Statements Production Reports “Info Button” Client List Policy Correspondence Supply Requisition PDF’s of Product Materials View/Print/Order supplies Illustrations/Presentations Run Illustrations on Products Update Software New Business/Underwriting Transmitting Applications Underwriting Information Product Information Product State Approval Grid Home Office Contact Listing Field Communication Updates Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Home Protector Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Home Protector – Policy Specs Simplified issue / Non-Med Term Life Insurance 15, 20, 25 & 30 year term periods to choose from Premiums can either be guaranteed for the full term period or for 5 years only Available with optional Return of Premium Rider Issued Standard through Table 4 (Accept/Reject ) Proof of Mortgage will be required Annually renewable to age 95 after the selected term period Convertible on or before the earlier of attained age 75 or when the level premium period ends Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Home Protector – Policy Specs Issue Ages (age last birthday) Minimum Policy Size - $25,000 Face Amt or $25 Base Monthly Premium (whichever is greater) Maximum Face Amount - $200,000 Premium Rate Classes: Unisex Smoker / Non-Smoker Modal Factors – monthly.087; quarterly.259; semiannual.512 Policy Fee - $80 (Fully Commissionable) Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution TermFull Guarantee5 Year Guarantee 15 Year20 to Year20 to Year20 to Year20 to 5020 to 60
Return of Premium Rider: After the term period, returns all of the following: Base Policy premium ROP Rider premium Policy Fee Modal Factor Beginning in the 6th policy year at least a portion of the premiums paid are available to be returned. The percentage of premiums that are returned increase each year until it reaches 100% at the end of the term period selected. Home Protector – Available Riders
Disability Income Rider: Pays a monthly benefit to the insured in the event the insured becomes totally disabled: Monthly Benefit is 2% of the Face Amount, not to exceed $1,500 (if annual income is below $25,000, the benefit cannot exceed $900 per month) The Benefit Period Runs for 2 Years 60 Day Elimination Period and the Benefits are not Retroactive Ineligible Occupations – listed in Agent Guide Issue Ages: 20 – 55 (rider terminates at age 65) Defined: Disability which Keeps you from being able to perform the major duties of your regular occupation as a result of such injury or disease. Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution Home Protector – Available Riders
Critical Illness Rider*: Provides a cash benefit to the insured upon the diagnosis of a covered critical illness: Available at 25%, 50% or 100% acceleration up to a maximum $100,000 critical illness benefit Requires disclosure for the Accelerated Living Benefit Rider (form no. 9543), Submit with App Covered Illnesses: - Heart Attack- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (10% of DB) - Stroke- Invasive Cancer - Kidney Failure- Major Organ Transplant Surgery - Paralysis- Blindness - Terminal Illness - HIV contracted performing duties as professional healthcare worker Issue Ages: 20 – 65 (rider expires at age 70) Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution * Critical Illness not available on same policy if applying for Waiver of Premium Home Protector – Available Riders
Waiver of Premium*: Waives the payment of the entire policy premium (including riders) in the event of total and permanent disability. Issue Ages Coverage expires at age 60 Children’s Insurance Agreement: Provides $3,000 per unit (max 5 units) on each child until age 25. Convertible up to 5 times the initial coverage without evidence. Issue ages: Children 15 Days – 17 years Primary Insured: Coverage expires at Primary Insured’s age 65 Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution * WP not available on same policy if applying for Critical Illness Rider Home Protector – Available Riders
Accidental Death Benefit: An additional benefit paid to the beneficiary if the insured dies as the result of an accident. Available up to $200,000 or 5 times the face amount of the policy, whichever is less. Issue Ages: Benefit terminates at age 65 Level Term Insurance Rider (Spouse Only): Provides level term insurance for 20 years or to the Insured’s age 70, whichever comes first. Spouse Issue Ages: Minimum Amount: $25,000 Maximum Amount: Not to exceed base policy Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution * WP not available on same policy if applying for Critical Illness Rider Home Protector – Available Riders
No Cost Benefits Included Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefit Rider: Can receive up to 100% of the death benefit when insured has a life expectancy of 12 months or less (24 months in some states. Requires disclosure form (9474). A Copy of Form is left with Applicant; No Signature Requirements. Accelerated Benefits Rider - Confined Care: Full Time, Permanent Residence in Nursing Home Fixed Monthly Pmt of 2.5% of face amount Requires disclosure form (9675SIG). Must be signed by applicant and submitted along with the application
App Completion/Submission Good Field Underwriting is essential to avoid unnecessary Underwriting delays Always Fully Complete All Required Sections and Questions Provide Complete Details to “Yes” answers on health questions. List any Medications currently taken and their associated conditions If additional space is needed for details regarding health questions or medications, please provide on a separate sheet of paper and submit with app Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Medical Information Bureau (MIB) Member Companies report conditions to MIB database during the underwriting process Our Company accesses the MIB database on all Home Protector applications MIB replies can trigger additional underwriting requirements (i.e. APS’s, Exams, etc.) Home Protector – Underwriting Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution
Pharmaceutical Database Check Check of National Pharmacy Databases Databases are checked on every Home Protector Application Provides information on medications / prescriptions taken by the Applicant May trigger additional underwriting requirements (i.e. APS’s, Exams, etc.) Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution Home Protector – Underwriting
Home Protector – Summary Simplified Issue Term (No Medical Exam Required) Simple “Yes/No” Application (1 page) 15/20/25/30 Year Premium Plans Premiums can be guaranteed for the full term or for 5 years Attractive Optional Riders (available at an additional cost): ROPWP Childrens Insurance Agreement DIRADB CIR LTR (Spouse Only) No Cost Benefits: Terminal Illness Accelerated Benefit Rider Accelerated Benefits Rider - Confined Care After Level Premium Period, Policy Can be Kept to Age 95 on an annually renewable basis Highly Competitive Premiums Agent Use Only: Not for public distribution