Website Design
Designing and creating different elements involved in developing a website for e- commerce can help you identify and describe the components of an effective website. The following lesson will help you identify key factors to consider when designing your own website for your e-commerce. The possibilities here are endless.
Generating Creative Ideas Every effective website design for an e-commerce business starts with good ideas but where do these ideas come from? If you want to create a successful website then you should be always analyzing, evaluating and searching for great ideas. Whenever you browse the Internet, meet someone, open a newspaper or magazine, watch television or daydream, you will come upon information that might become helpful in designing and improving your website and enhancing your chances of success.
Generating Creative Ideas An effective e-commerce website will help a business get closer to achieving their business goals and objectives or even help them get started in a new direction or focus. Good ideas come in many forms, but the ones that have the greatest impact and offer the most assistance to e-commerce businesses have two features in common: They are innovative - often offering something that no one has thought of before, or that has never been done before. They suggest a way to satisfy or fulfill a need or a want.
Generating Creative Ideas There are plenty of places to look for good ideas. Browsing and searching the worldwide Internet looking at other e-commerce websites, government agencies, community and professional associations, hobby or church groups, and trade shows are only a few possibilities. Sometimes the new idea you need is only one step beyond an idea someone else has already had or it may be one that someone else has already tried and abandoned. Perhaps the only missing ingredient for success is you!
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Website design and function are critical for the success of all e-commerce business. Following some simply principles and using common sense as a consumer yourself can add great value and allow you to create a very appealing and user-friendly, effective website.
Four Basic Principles of Website Design The following 4 basic principles of website design will assist you in thinking and creating your own website Principle 1 - Create a Clear Visual Presence Principle 2 – Organization Principle 3 - Use Standard Practices Principle 4 - General Appearance & Functionality Remember, when all else fails let common sense prevail.
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Principle 1 - Create a Clear Visual Presence This means designing a website that is visually pleasing to the consumer. The website and information should be well-organized and the contents of the page should follow some sort of order, displaying the most meaningful and important information or content first. Creating a clear visual presence includes size and position. This can be accomplished easily by using various sizing for pictures and other key elements in relation to the content and information displayed on the page. In website design size and position can make a serious difference.
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Principle 1 - Create a Clear Visual Presence Cont. Example Size - When looking at most e-commerce websites you quickly discover that the most important information or at least the items that grab your attention the most have large bold headings or visually pleasing pictures. Position - The more important the information, content or picture is, the better the location or position it receives on the web page ecommerce-websites/ ecommerce-websites/
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Principle 2 - Organization It is important to make it easy for consumers to locate and navigate information. Grouping like items or using a common picture will help consumers identify different areas and information quickly and easily. Research has indicated that Internet users focus on the areas of a website page that creates the most interest or excitement for them and often disregard or ignore the rest of the website.
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Principle 2 - Organization Cont. Think about it, how do you and your friends choose what to read or look at when you are browsing an e-commerce website? What is the first thing that attracts you or gets your attention when you look at a website? How might this information affect your e- commerce website design?
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Principle 3 - Use Standard Practices This principle refers to using standard type formats or also known as "standard conventions" when possible. The reason for this is basically to make it easier for the end user or consumer who may already be familiar with searching the Internet and browsing e- commerce websites. Example A standard format or convention that has been developed and used in the design of many e-commerce websites is having the navigation bar located at the very top or left hand side of the website page and offering alternative links to other associated websites at the very bottom of the website page.
Four Basic Principles of Website Design Principle 4 - General Appearance & Functionality An effective e-commerce website reduces confusion and frustration for anyone that visits and uses your website. The website should be professional in appearance and convey a positive image and perception for your e-commerce business venture. To create a Web site that is user-friendly: minimize the reading and the amount of scrolling or navigating. use consistent font or text styles and colour choices. minimize the use of busy background wallpaper or images. reduce the number of link options to other sites or locations. use appropriate language and attractive pictures. create a convenient method to communicate and track your consumer. motivate consumers to promote and encourage others to visit your website.
Top 10 Ways to Make Sites Sizzle 1. Plan, plan, plan. 2. Integrate your online and offline strategies. 3. Involve users in site development. 4. Keep it clean and navigable. 5. Keep new technology in mind. 6. Not too much, not too little. 7. Personalize your site. 8. Test, test, test. 9. Make sure goods get to your customers. 10. Measure your site’s effectiveness.
Top 10 Ways to Make Sites Sizzle Read over the pages from the handout (page 259 to 265) Complete the 7 questions on the back