Graduation Requirements Recommended Plan English I, II, III, IV World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov/Eco 4 Science 4 Math 1.0 of P.E. 0.5 Communication Applications (Speech) 1.0 Fine Art (1 full year of the same class) 2.0 Foreign language (of the same language)
Graduation Requirements Distinguished Plan English I, II, III, IV World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov/Eco 4 Science 4 Math 1.0 of P.E. 0.5 Communication Applications (Speech) 1.0 Fine Art (1 full year of the same class) 3.0 Foreign language (of the same language 4 additional measures- see handbook
Education Beyond High School Trade and Technical schools Community Colleges 4 year colleges/Universities
Collegeboard Statistics A person with a Ph.D. earns an average of $ a week A person with a master’s degree earns on average $ A person with a bachelor’s earns an average of $ A person with an associate’s earns an average of $ Unfortunately, a person with only a high school diploma earns $507.
More from the Collegeboard Currently, 0.9 percent of people with a Ph.D, 1.6 percent of people with a master’s degree, and 1.8 percent of people with a bachelor’s degree are unemployed. Those with just a high school education have a 3.5 percent rate of unemployment. Getting a college education cuts one’s chances of being unemployed roughly in half.
Four Year Schools Students can earn a bachelor’s degree or further their studies with a masters or doctorate program. Bachelor’s degree: 4 + years Master’s Degree: 2-3 years above bachelors Doctorate Degree: 2-3 years above Master’s Private and Public Colleges Available
Community College Provide students with Career Preparation programs. Students may earn certificates or Associate’s Degrees. Students can use credits earned to transfer to a four year school. – Only 1 in 10 actually transfer and earn their bachelors. (collegeboard)
Vocational/ Trade Schools Provide specific career training, usually requires 2 years or less. Public Technical Schools- there are 4 in Texas. Texas State Technical College or TSTC is the closest (Waco). Private Technical and Trade Schools- Examples- Art Institute of Dallas, DeVry, ITT, Ogle school of Hair Design
Great Resources for you to use RIGHT NOW
Admission Requirements Application Standardized test score (ACT/SAT) Class Rank Extracurricular involvement Community Service (The Big Event )
Top 10% Rule Being in the Top 10% of your graduating class will get you automatic admission into any Texas public university. – UT Austin is the exception to the rule.
College Application Practice Run Before you submit the actual application- do a test run See where the “holes” may be. – Course work- ie. Pre- Cal, Foreign Lang – Extra-curriculars – Community service – GPA – SAT scores – Etc. What are the requirements for admission?
ACT vs. SAT Achievement Test Highest Score- 36 Average Tests English, Math, Reading, Science and has an optional writing portion Aptitude test Highest Score Average Score Some colleges only look at scores of two of three categories. Tests Writing, Reading, and Math
Transcripts- Home of your Rank and GPA Each school to which you apply needs one. Fill out a half sheet form either in counseling office or submit online through the counseling center website. SAT/ACT scores are to be sent by the testing company. E-transcripts and 1 st paper copy are free, each after that is $1
Grade Point Average Weighted- This is used only to calculate GPA for class rank purposes. Unweighted- This is a GPA you will use to apply for college and scholarships. It is based on a 4.0 scale.
College Visits You get 2 a year that do not count against your attendance. See the counseling center website for details on how to properly do this. Build your marketability by participating in an official college event over the summer between Junior and Senior year.
So where should you be in your Quest?
The Junior Timeline also in your handbook March and April SIGN UP FOR SAT OR ACT Create a Personal File including transcripts, list of awards and honors (including dates), community service hours, a list of employers- UPDATE this each semester Register for the NCAA eligibility center if candidate for college athletics
Junior Timeline also in your handbook May and June Take the SAT and/or ACT Take AP exams Obtain a summer job or internship-see c0unselor website Look for volunteer opportunities Save money for college and senior expenses Select the top 5-10 colleges that meet your needs
Start of Senior Year also in your handbook August and September Update your personal file Make plans to attend the Nortex college Fair (end of September) Ask for letters of Recommendation- see counseling website on best practices Begin applications Continue to search and apply for scholarships For more timeline, see your handbook
Scholarships Local Scholarships- Ones only available to NISD students. These are all accessible by visiting the “scholarship drawer” on the counseling website! National Scholarships- databases such as fast aid fast web, and merit aid Colleges often have separate scholarship applications to be awarded money from the university you plan to attend. Make sure when you complete your admission application that your submit the scholarship application as well.
E- Scholarships New Database on the counseling center website under scholarship drawer – Logon: northwest – Password: northwest
What are your plans for after high School? - Let’s start the research!!!