Sound Spelling Cards What do you know about the sound spelling cards?
Capital letters and small letters When do you use capital letters instead of small letters? Capital letters go at the beginnings of sentences and special names.
What do sound spelling cards do? Sound spelling cards help you connect sounds with spellings.
The pictures on sound spelling cards help you remember the sound
Some letters are black and some are red. Consonants are black Vowels are red
Why are vowels special? Vowels can have more than one sound. The vowel sounds can be long or short. The vowel sounds can be spelled more than one way. Every word or syllable has a vowel.
Count the syllables dog table basketball hippopotamus dog ta-ble bas-ket-ball hip-po-pot-a-mus
There are special colored boxes for the different vowel sounds Short vowels have green boxes.
There are special colored boxes for the different vowel sounds Long vowels have yellow boxes.
There are special colored boxes for the different vowel sounds Special vowels have blue boxes.
Some consonants have more than one spelling.
Sometimes two consonants make one sound.
Sometimes two vowels make one sound. bead boat feet rain
Some sounds have a blank before or after the spellings. A blank means a letter must go there. If the blank is a green box, then a short vowel must go there.