Scouting in Catholic Church. Conference Overview Four daily components explored in program: –1) Faith Formation –2) Catechism of the Catholic Church –3)


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Presentation transcript:

Scouting in Catholic Church

Conference Overview Four daily components explored in program: –1) Faith Formation –2) Catechism of the Catholic Church –3) National Catholic Committee on Scouting – Its Mission and Programs –4) Youth Ministry – Renewing the Vision

1. Faith Formation Four aspects covered under this topic: Leadership, Holiness, Conversion and Worship Format: bible readings, reflection (based on probing questions, and small group discussion)

2. Catechism of Catholic Church Conference priest/advisor facilitates discussion of Church catechism Major topics: –1) Creed/Church –2) Revelation/Scripture –3) Morality/Ethics –4) Liturgy/Sacraments

3. NCCS Mission and Programs Presentations and discussions on how NCCS supports Catholic scouting programs Examples: religious emblem programs, religious activities, retreats, St. George Trek, adult and unit recognition, Priesthood Sunday, Scout Sunday

4. Youth Ministry Discussion, readings, reflection from “Renewing the Vision” booklet teaches faith formation from a Youth Minister’s point of view. Major topics: advocacy/leadership development, evangelization, justice and service, pastoral care, community life, prayer and worship.

Additional Activities/Opportunities Daily Mass at outdoor Catholic chapel (with crews starting and ending their mountain treks) Scouting in Catholic Church program is offered as part of Philmont’s “Relationships Week” (inter-faith dialog with our religious traditions) Wednesday is “free” day to explore scenery at Philmont and Cimarron, NM with family

Reasons to Attend Learn how scouting can be a Catholic Youth Ministry program and how to promote Catholic scouting in local Dioceses and Councils). Build a network of fellow scouters engaged in Catholic Scouting (religious and lay participants with varying experiences in scouting and the Catholic faith). Explore scenic Philmont Training Center in Cimarron, New Mexico. Enjoy a memorable family experience (participants are encouraged to bring family members; excellent programs for every age).

Adults Participating in Conference Course is designed for: Clergy and Religious Youth Ministers Regional Chaplains Diocesan and Council Chaplains and Chairmen Religious Emblems Counselors Members of Diocesan Catholic Committees BSA Staff Advisers Anyone interested in Catholic scouting

Conference Attendees Typically Include: Laity, clergy, religious, youth ministers, Scout executives, members of the Council/District, vocation directors, youth ministry directors, CYO directors, pastors, scoutmasters, charter organization reps, regional and diocesan committee chairs, chaplains, and Catholic committee members

Fees for Participating Participant category Fees (2013) Conference $495 Spouse $350 Ages $295 Ages 6-13 $195 Age 5 and under $95 Fee covers all meals and lodging (beginning with supper on Sunday and ending with breakfast Saturday), training materials, and family programs. Optional programs may be extra (bus tours, handicraft supplies, and Cimarron, NM museum visits).

Jerusalem Cross Upon completing conference, attendees may earn the Jerusalem Cross (somewhat akin to “Catholic Wood Badge”), if they: Develop and deliver a mission project serving community in one of these four areas: 1) Leadership Development, Advocacy 2) Catechesis, Evangelization 3) Pastoral Care, Justice & Service 4) Prayer and Worship, Community Life Upon project completion, submit three letters of testimony: –Self-evaluation of mission project. –Letter from an ecclesiastical representative. –Letter from someone who benefited from project.

NCCS Contact Information For more information about the program: National Catholic Committee on Scouting® BSA 1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX National Catholic Committee on Scouting®