Protestant Reformation Why did it happen? The changes in intellectual thought brought about in the Renaissance. Knowledge of corruption in the Catholic Church led to challenges of the Pope’s authority. What was it? A religious reform movement that divided the western “Church” into two groups: Catholic Protestant
Protestant Reformation Christian Humanists The classical learning of the Ren. spread the idea of humanism into religion. Christian humanists believed in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves, especially in matters of faith. Believed… If people read the classics and become more intelligent, then read and understand the Bible, they would become more pious. In order to change society and religion, they must first change the humans who makeup society.
Desiderius Erasmus A Christian Humanist Believed his view of religion would be the “philosophy of Christ.” Thought that Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis, rather than provide a system of beliefs that people had to practice in order to be saved.
Desiderius Erasmus Thought pilgrimages and fasts were not important. Criticized the abuses of the Catholic Church. Did NOT want to break away from the Church! 1509: Wrote The Praise of Folly which humorously made fun of society, but pointed out what needed to be reformed.
Corruption in the Catholic Church Many men were joining the clergy to gain power and wealth rather than because of faith. Had secret spouses & children 1450-1520: Series of “Ren. Popes” who failed to meet the Church’s spiritual needs. Acted more like political leaders. Example: Pope Julius II (“warrior Pope”) led armies against his enemies.
Corruption in the Catholic Church Many parish priests were ignorant of the scriptures and could not help ordinary citizens. Citizens desired salvation and began keeping relics (symbols of Christ) as a way to gain entrance into Heaven. The Church also sold “indulgences”: certificates that promised release from the punishment of sin. Made lots of $$$$$
Martin Luther (1483-1546) A monk and professor in Wittenberg, Germany Concluded neither priests or the Pope could provide salvation. Believed that only true faith could save you. Romans 5:1 – “Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 11:6 – “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.”
Martin Luther (1483-1546) Thought that each person should read and understand the Bible on their own. “God will save you simply because God is merciful.”
Martin Luther (1483-1546) 1517: Nailed his “Ninety-Five Theses” to a church door. Spoke out against selling indulgences. Thousands of copies were made and spread all over Germany.
Martin Luther (1483-1546) For his writings, the Pope excommunicated Luther from the Catholic Church (1521). Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, made Luther an outlaw (Edict of Worms). Frederick of Saxony protected Luther.
Rise of Protestantism “Protestant” means you’re still a Christian, just not Catholic. The first Protestants were called Lutherans because they believed in the religious view of Martin Luther. Kept baptism & communion. Believe clergy should marry and be a model of Christian marriage. Focuses on faith alone to gain salvation. Changed from Catholic version of mass to worship services. Bible readings, preaching to understanding, and song. Believe that the Bible is the only source of religious truth
Ulrich Zwingli Priest in Zürich, Switzerland. Followed Luther and reformed the church. No relics or images Scripture reading, prayer Worship songs 1531: War broke out between Catholic and Protestant states in Switzerland. Zwingli was found wounded. Killed and cut up by his enemies.
Peace of Augsburg Charles V (HRE & King of Spain) began a war over Christianity in order to keep his political power. The German states sided with Luther. Charles V could not win and sought peace.
Peace of Augsburg 1555: Signed the Peace of Augsburg. Formally accepted the division of Christianity in Germany. German states were free to choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism NOT the right of individuals!