Duration: 01/07/09-29/02/2012 Contract number IEE/08/591/S PV LEGAL Reduction of legal-administrative barriers for PV system installations in Europe
2 Project Summary Key Facts Carried out by 9+4 national PV industry associations + EPIA + eclareon Countries involved: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom Target groups: industry, policy makers, public authorities, grid operators The overall goal of PV LEGAL is to reduce bureaucracy for PV installations and to facilitate the deployment of this technology by streamlining PV legal-administrative procedures The Project Partners have carried out a detailed analysis of the bureaucratic procedures in 12 countries (see PV LEGAL database: Project recommendations will be discussed with stakeholders and policy makers and good practice examples will be transferred. Image: :: jasmin / photocase
3 Background Although many countries recognize the potential of solar PV and although they implement support policies, there are obstacles in many countries that prevent PV technology to be deployed more widely Especially in countries, with young PV markets bureaucratic hurdles are a main barrier for a rapid PV technology deployment Therefore… Creating transparency as well as successively removing these barriers will provide real added value for the PV industry PV LEGAL is the first common project of European PV industry associations including EPIA – A project of the industry for the industry Image: L. Wallroth, others / photocase
4 Expected results PV LEGAL will help reducing lead times for PV project development & installation processes and establishing less burdensome and more streamlined authorization procedures Enhanced legal-administrative frameworks in 12 EU countries Reduced lead times of PV project development Less burdensome, more streamlined authorization procedures Optimized workload for PV authorization bodies and grid operators Improved preparation of public and commercial actors involved in PV system installation and authorization processes overcome lack of communication between different stakeholders Knowledge transfer to other European countries leverage development in nascent and emerging PV markets Strengthened position of the EU in the global competition on PV technologies Reduction of cost for PV system installations
5 Objectives and main steps PV LEGAL aims at… Providing transparency with regard to administrative requirements Streamlining planning, constructing and operating procedures for PV systems Reducing costs for investors in PV systems
6 PV LEGAL database –
7 Partners and contacts Coordinator: German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar) Contact: Thomas Chrometzka, ; Project partners: European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA); French Renewable Energy Association (SER); French Solar Energy Professional Association (ENERPLAN); Eclareon Ltd Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Companies (HELAPCO) Association of Italian Photovoltaic Industries (ASSOLARE); Polish Society for Photovoltaics (PTPV); Slovenian Photovoltaic Industry Association (ZSFI); Spanish Photovoltaic Industry Association (ASIF); UK Renewable Energy Association (REA). Subcontractors: Holland Solar (NL), Czech Renewable Energy Agency (CZREA), Portuguese Photovoltaic Industry Association (APESF), Bulgarian PV Association