Mrs. Sampson Middle School History Algebra
Around God’s World
Bible Class and Small Groups Pastor Seth –Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Tarkoff Small Group on Friday –Boys with Kevin Piazza – –Girls with Sara Bridgeman
School-Home Communication website: Conferences- Sign-up for October 29 th and 30 th website: Conferences- Sign-up for October 29 th and 30 th Phone: Agenda RenWeb Newsletter Agenda RenWeb Newsletter
History History is who we are and why we are the way we are. ~David McCullough History has a purpose, an end in view, designed by God.
California State Content Standards aligned California State Content Standards aligned
Year Overview- 6 th Grade - Ancient History Beginning of Civilization to the Roman Empire Trimester 1 –Unit 1:Early Humans and Societies Early Man Story and Poster Project –Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush Mesopotamia Brochure Project Ancient Egypt 3-D Project Trimester 2 –Unit 3: Civilization in India and China China Folder Project –Unit 4: Foundations of Western Ideas Ancient Greece Pocket Book Project Trimester 3 –Unit 5: The Roman World Roman Empire Technology Project –Unit 6: Endings and Beginnings
Year Overview: 7 th World History: Medieval to Modern Times The Fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and the Age of Reason Trimester 1 –Unit 1: Connecting With the Past – Fall of Rome & Byzantine Empire Byzantine News Project –Unit 2: The Islamic World Islam – Christianity Comparison Project Trimester 2 –Unit 3: West African Civilizations Africa Folder Project –Unit 5: Medieval Europe Medieval Life 3-D Project Trimester 3 –Unit 6: Renewal in Europe Person of the Age Magazine Project –Unit 4: Asian Civilizations Asian Civilization Topic Project –Unit 7: Civilizations in the Americas Student Group Presentations
History Interactive Notebooks Purpose of an Interactive History Notebook – Organized materials and notes –Personal study tool – organized information for tests –Personal ownership of work suited to student learning styles –Students will have the opportunity to use higher order thinking skills, to apply, analyze and integrate information.
Homework Daily Homework –Types of Homework Assignments Textbook/Notebook Assignments – –Reading, section questions, notes, worksheets Project Assignments – –Work in progress checks –Grade based on completeness and work is corrected in class Points ?
Tests & Quizzes Quiz Grades –Small Home Projects –In-class Projects –Multiple Choice Textbook Section Quizzes –History Notebook Evaluation Test Grades –Chapter Tests –Large Projects Notebook Evaluation –Notebooks are collected at the end of units or chapters. Graded on: –Content, Quality, and Completeness – 50 points –Visual Appearance and Organization – 40 points –Challenge Work – Extra Effort – 10 points –Total = 100 Quiz/Classwork points
Grading Homework: 10 % Quizzes/Class Activites/Notebook: 40% Tests/Projects: 50% Homework: 10 % Quizzes/Class Activites/Notebook: 40% Tests/Projects: 50% Late, Missing, and Make-up Work
Online Resources Online textbook Resources for parents, students, and teachers
Holt Math Curriculum
Online Resources Online textbook Resources for parents, students, and teachers
Students learn that math is ordered, logical, and predictable because God’s order, logic and predictability is established in creation. Mathematics is the language God used to create His universe Understanding math gives us insight into the nature and character of God Mathematical concepts are linked to God’s created world
Middle School Math and Higher Order Thinking As a science of abstract objects, mathematics relies on logic rather than on memorization and observation. Students are now moving from concrete to abstract thinking = 5 to 2a + 3b = x They will move beyond memorizing facts and processes. Involves: Analyzing Seeing complex patterns Applying known processes to new situations Learning a new language
Homework Homework Grade – –Includes: Homework assignments – checked daily, stamp given on assignment sheet Assignment Sheet – Weekly grade Notes due at the end of the chapter –Math homework should take about 30 minutes/night. –Homework is a tool for students to practice concepts; learn independent thinking and self- evaluation. Students should have minimal parent help. Parents should not correct homework! Homework is graded on completeness, not correct answers.
Quizzes, Tests, Etc. There will be a quiz or test approximately every week Tests – –One per chapter –Test corrections are required – 10 point test grade –One retake per trimester The middle school students’ minds are still maturing! Be patient! They are a (God’s) work in progress.
High School Math Path LHS Courses include: Consumer Math Pre-Algebra Algebra 1 Enriched Algebra 1 Geometry Honors Geometry, Intermediate Algebra 2 Algebra 2/Trigonometry Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus Contemporary Calculus AP Statistics AP Calculus LHS Courses include: Consumer Math Pre-Algebra Algebra 1 Enriched Algebra 1 Geometry Honors Geometry, Intermediate Algebra 2 Algebra 2/Trigonometry Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus Contemporary Calculus AP Statistics AP Calculus UC Mathematics Requirements– 3 years required, 4 years recommended Three years of college- preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three- dimensional geometry. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades that your high school accepts as equivalent to its own math courses. UC Mathematics Requirements– 3 years required, 4 years recommended Three years of college- preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three- dimensional geometry. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades that your high school accepts as equivalent to its own math courses.
Success in Higher Math Advice for students (and parents) Be there – absences can really hurt Be interested Listen and take notes Correct your own work – want to know what you did wrong Ask questions when you don’t understand –Make an appointment with the teacher if necessary