March 5, 2010 ENGR 340 Presentation #3
DaveAnthonyAndrewDanny MoelkerBoorsmaHoogendamVanderspek
Where we were last time What’s happening now What we’ve changed Where we are going What is in our way What? (Questions ;))
Peripheral communication - Successful Data acquisition platform – Recording acceleration data Kalman filtering – Controls 315 project Rudimentary algorithms – Integration of the accelerations
Software Positioning algorithms – rotation and translation Hardware Schematic capture PCB layout and routing Continuing to order and receive components Systems Continuing to analyze hardware requirements as the software development evolves, looking to catch issues early
GE Presentation Interaction between GPS module and IMU Ignore GPS when it becomes “Intermittent” – IMU is independent Use intermittent “good” GPS data to confirm or adjust the IMU data in real time. Magnetometer Touch Screen LCD Battery Charging Capability
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Positioning algorithm Gyroscopes GPS Magnetometer Move the PC code to microcontroller
Having the PCB fabricated – subsequently tested. Adding the gyroscope and magnetometer data to the positioning algorithm Able to track position with breadboard prototype before spring break
Hardware Debugging “Measure twice” before fabricating the PCB Not feasible to expect no errors Hours to be spent developing the software algorithms Delays from waiting for parts