ToR of GEOSAF2 WG on Operational Safety Review of WG2
§1. Rationale Recommendation: Further explain why the initiative is considered as relevant e.g.: The need for developing guidance on a number of topics associated with operational safety has been identified (e.g. SITEX) Added values of an IAEA initiative « complementing » the work performed in other fora (IGSC, SITEX,…) : – Wider audience – Several IAEA general safety requirements apply to disposal facilities but there might be no guideline on how to interprete these requirements in the context of a GDF – IAEA guides developed for other facilities are potentially relevant to GDF – IAEA requirements used as a basis for development of national regulations – …
Proposed Approach 1.Identify the topics potentially relevant to operational safety based on: – an identification of relevant IAEA requirements (input from SITEX) – national experience 2.Define the scope (i.e. « boundaries » of operational safety considered in the project) and priorities (i.e. selection of topics based on the interest of participants) 3.Identify : – existing guidance associated with selected topics (input from SITEX and IGSC?): At international & national levels Developed for disposal facilities & other facilities – relevant national experience associated with selected topics 4.Review and evaluation of existing guidance documents – Topics covered by the documents – Suitability for disposal facilities 5.Identify gaps (topics which are not, not sufficiently or not properly covered in existing guidance documents) 6.Discuss and conclude on the opportunity to produce an IAEA safety guide
IAEA Requirements Associated with the Topic « Operation » Identified in SITEX OperationSSR-5 R7 SSR-5 R8 SSR-5 R9 SSR-5 R18 * Investigations and feedback of information on operating experienceGSR Part3 R16 * Operational limits and conditionsGSR Part3 §3.123a SSR-5 R3 * Modifications * Emergency preparedness and responseSF-1 P9 GSR Part3 R15 GSR Part3 R43-46 GS-R-2 * Maintenance, periodic testing and inspectionSSR-5 R10 * Occupational exposureGSR Part3 R19 GSR Part3 R24 GSR Part3 R25 GSR Part3 R26 * Public exposureGSR Part3 R29 GSR Part3 R30 GSR Part3 R31 * Receiving, handling and emplacement of waste
Practical Plan for the Next 12 Months Who ?How ? 1. Identify potential topicsWG 2. Scope & priorities All participantsQuestionnaire ? 3. Existing guidance & experience 4. Review and evaluationWG 5. Identification of the gaps WGPreparatory work by the WG & review by all participants at the plenary 6. Decision on the development of a guide All participantsDiscussion at the next plenary (« Kick-off » of GEOSAF III ?)
Provisional List of What is Missing (SITEX) (1/3) Specificities of operation of an underground nuclear facility (including aspects such as fire protection, ventilation,...) Waste handling and emplacement Maintenance, periodic testing and inspection: Ageing of equipment and structures during the operational phase Programmes and records Operating limits and conditions (OLCs): How to establish and substantiate OLCs, how to maintain OLCs to ensure compliance with end-state, how to meet OLCs and assurances that they are being met, feedback from other (nuclear) facilities,… Modifications of design, waste acceptance criteria, structures, systems and components (SSCs), operational limits and conditions (OLCs) and operational procedures and methods Emergency preparedness: Feedback from emergency plans existing in mines, tunnels and other non-nuclear underground facilities,…
Provisional List of What is Missing (SITEX) (2/3) Development of the “design basis”, including the consideration of : – normal and anticipated operational conditions & possible accidents – disturbing FEPs during operation whose consequences may affect post- closure safety Construction: – Implication of constraints associated with nuclear safety on the management of construction activities (including construction procedures, quality control,…) – Information that shall be gathered during construction – Approach to deal with design modifications that may occur during construction Hazards associated with concurrent activities Methodology for the assessment of operational safety
Waste acceptance criteria ? Closure & Decommissioning ? Monitoring ? Implications of reversibility & retrievability ? « Independent verification » (GSR Part4 R20) ? Management system ? Provisional List of What is Missing (SITEX) (3/3)