S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS SELÇUK NAS Selçuk NAS Ω Selçuk Nas α CHORDS CHORDS THEOREMS of Solving The Horizontal Angle Problemsin Plotting Solving The Horizontal Angle Problems in Plotting This presentation is required office XP Selçuk Nas Prepared by Selçuk NAS
S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS THEOREM -1- : Only one circle passes through three points THEOREM -2- : The angles are always same if the angle on the circle and subtended by the same chord. THEOREMSTHEOREMS AIM Explaining to Theorems of in Plotting Solving The Horizontal Angle Problems in Plotting Prepared by Selçuk NAS
S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS Selçuk Nas α THEOREM -1- Only one circle passes through three points
S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS Selçuk Nas α THEOREM -1- Only one circle passes through three points
S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS Selçuk Nas α THEOREM -1- Only one circle passes through three points THEOREM -2- The angles are always same if the angle on the circle and subtended by the same chord.
S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS SELÇUK NAS Selçuk NAS Ω Selçuk Nas α CHORDS CHORDS THEOREM -2- The angles are always same if the angle on the circle and subtended by the same chord.
S elçuk N as SELÇUK NAS THIS PRESENTATION WAS PREPARED BY SELÇUK NAS E MAIL : Mobile Phone : Phone : Address : Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Deniz İsletmeciligi ve Yonetimi Yuksekokulu, Kaynaklar Yerleskesi, Buca, Izmir, TURKEY You can use all my product where ever you want.