TISSUE PROCUREMENT Routinely collect tumor tissue, adjacent normal tissue, buffy coat, plasma, newly diagnosed and pre-transplant hematologic samples Also collect urine, saliva, and biopsies for particular projects All tissue samples receive quality control analysis before distribution Site specific committees comprised of surgeons and researchers must approve request for samples that are in low inventory. Ensures that valued samples are given to important projects
DONOR EVENTS 2011 * event could be any combination of tissue and blood samples JANUARY67FEBRUARY68MARCH88APRIL78MAY75JUNE89JULY72AUGUST102 Breast4Bladder CNS7Breast3 5CNS9Breast Endocrine1Cervical1CNS13Colon2CNS4Cervix2CNS8 10 Gastric1CNS3Colon2Endocrine4Colon1CNS4Endocrine1Colon2 Intestine2Endocrine1 5Esophagus1Endocrine4Colon3Esophagus1Endocrine2 Liver3Gastric Endocrine5Gastric1 1 HN17Liver5Intestines1Liver1 3Esophagus1HN14HN18 Leukemia1HN14Liver6HN15HN19Liver5Leukemia7 12 Lung7Leukemia8HN9Leukemia8 11HN13Liver4 7 Pancreas2Lung7Leukemia8Lung3 3Leukemia9Lung4 1 Prostate11Ovary5Lung5Other1Ovary3Lung7Other2 5 1Pancreas1Ovary5 2Pancreas3Other3Ovary1 5 Rectum2Prostate8Pancreas4 3Prostate7Ovary1Pancreas3 2 Renal4 7Prostate6 9Rectum1Pancreas3Prostate6 8 Uterus4Skin1Renal3Rectum2Renal4Prostate5Rectum1 1 Uterus1Sin3Renal5Skin3Rectum3Renal6 9 Soft Tissue1Skin1Soft Tissue1Renal8Uterus6Sin1 Uterus5Soft Tissue1Uterus3Skin3 Uterus4 5Testes1Uterus4 Vulva1 Gastric1
Collections: 2010 vs Month January4067 February4168 March3188 April5278 May6475 June5189 July6072 August63102 Each month, we have increased our tissue collection over what it was in the previous year
Pathology Services Tissue fixation, processing, and embedding Frozen and FFPE tissue sectioning H&E staining Immunohistochemistry RNA isolation and BioAnalyzer LCM Tissue MicrroArray *In the process of offering special stains * Other requests …
Laser Capture Microdissection Cryostat & Microtome PixCell II XT Bioanalyzer Extraction & QC RiboAmp TM & Paradise TM Amplification Captured cellsAfter capture H&E section Cell Selection Extracted RNA Amplified Unamplified qPCR analysis
BIOANALYZER Determine sample quality before performing downstream applications Faster than gels – up to 12 samples in 30 min Minimal sample consumption; 1 μL Ready-to-use reagent kits Chip preparation in less than 5 min
TISSUE MICRO ARRAY Services provided: – Custom TMA construction – TMA slide sectioning – Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization on TMA slides – TMA pathology imaging scoring – Support for grant applications by providing LCM budgets and support letters
Contact Information Kiki Gibbs Phone: Location: room 421 Bioengineering