1 GSA State and Local Programs Time Savings Cost Savings Built-in Value Selection Using the GSA Schedule programs can save you time and money, while providing you with an unparalleled selection of local and global contractors and access to GSA's many resources
2 Eligibility Eligible Users (Under Cooperative and Disaster Recovery Purchasing Programs) 40 U.S.C § 502 (c) offers the following definition of state or local government: The 50 states All counties Municipalities, cities, towns and townships Tribal Governments, or any instrumentality thereof (including any local educational agency or institution of higher education)."
3 GSA’s State and Local Programs Schedule Programs 1122 (Joint Program with Dept. of Army & Defense Logistics Agency) Cooperative Purchasing Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program Federal Grantee Access to Schedules in Response to Declared Public Health Emergencies Non-Schedule Programs Wildland Fire Program Computers for Learning Surplus Personal Property Donation Program
4 Schedule Terminology Schedule A grouping of Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for similar commercial products and service offerings Special Item Number (SIN) A subcategory of more specific groupings of products and service offerings within a Schedule IT Schedule Schedule Number and Name
5 A Schedule Contract Schedule Contract A five-year IDIQ contract with three five-year options (maximum of 20 years) Negotiated and Awarded Based On Positive past performance Volume Discount Practices Demonstrated financial responsibility Includes Lists and descriptions of available products and services Pre-negotiated ceiling prices Pre-negotiated terms and conditions Made competitive via your jurisdiction’s policies/ordering procedures or GSA’s recommended ordering procedures
6 GSA Schedules by the Numbers Schedules provide access to over 11 million supplies and services 19,000 GSA Schedule contracts Nearly 80% are small businesses as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration Includes local businesses throughout the US as well as large, globally-recognized businesses Includes a range of socioeconomic/ disadvantaged business concerns State and local governments purchased over $757 million in supplies and services in FY 2011
7 State and local governments must then have policies/procedures that allow for the use of GSA’s state and local programs Authorized State and Local Use Congress enacted legislation to allow GSA to provide the four Schedules-based programs currently available to state and local governments. The two programs of focus Cooperative Purchasing Program Schedule 70 – IT products and services Schedule 84 – Law Enforcement/First Responder/Security products and services Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program All Schedules for recovery from a Presidentially-declared disaster
8 Schedule Contract Pricing Vendor pricing includes a.75% Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) that the contractor remits to GSA With Each Schedule Contractor GSA Negotiates Fair and Reasonable Pricing Schedule Contract Prices Ceiling Prices Based on GSA Schedule Contract Terms and Conditions Schedule Contractors Allowed to Offer Spot Reductions Jurisdictions Are Encouraged to Seek Discounts for Any Purchase The Price You’re Quoted is the Price You Pay
9 Schedule Contracts Can be Foundational GSA Schedules Can serve as the basis for Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)/Term Contracts for recurring needs 20 competitively-bid SmartBUY BPAs are available to state and local governments and include: Information Assurance (Situational Awareness and Incident Response) Information Assurance (Data-At-Rest) Geospatial Information Systems Enterprise Content Management
10 When Can I Use the Schedules? Some of the Schedules All of the Time All of the Schedules Some of the Time Schedule 70 Schedule 84 Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program Public Health Emergency Program
11 When Can I Use the Schedules? Does the Color of Money Matter? ONLY federal grant money may be used in the PHE program. The color of money does NOT matter for the other GSA state and local programs Both Federal and State Money May be used in the Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery Purchasing Programs However, federal grantees MUST FOLLOW the competitive procedure and regulations laid out by the granting agency, when spending Federal dollars. Doesn’t Matter except with the Public Health Emergency (PHE) Program
12 When Can I Use the Schedules? Authorized State and Local Programs In Compliance with your Procurement Policies Permitted use of the GSA Programs State and local customers often turn to GSA for: One Time, Large Dollar Buys Recurring Needs Expeditious and Emergency Procurements
13 GSA Resources Customer Service Directors (CSDs) Training In-person 24/7 Web-based training Free eTools GSAAdvantage! ® eBuy eLibrary
14 Training In-person/online training is available from GSA Available Training Sessions Include: All GSA State and Local Programs Individual GSA Programs (Cooperative Purchasing, Disaster Recovery, Computers for Learning, etc) Using GSAAdvantage! ® Using eBuy Online training is available 24/7 at
15 GSA’s State and Local Homepage Quick reference for all GSA State and Local Programs Program brochure download links Special Program links Drill down for more information
16 GSAAdvantage! ® Provides full purchasing abilities with your state or local government purchase card
17 eLibrary Schedule Contracts State and Local Filter types of businesses by Schedule/SIN Icons denote State and Local Programs
18 eBuy Online tool allows customers to issue Requests for Quotes (RFQs) and receive proposals electronically Customers can post Requests for Information (RFIs)/Sources Sought to identify potential solutions or identify local or specific business types
19 Web 2.0 Tools Blog with us –
20 Web 2.0 Tools Training – training-state-and-local-governments-only
21 GSA Schedules Program Benefits A suite of eTools to streamline processes A nationwide network of responsive GSA representatives Pre-negotiated ceiling prices that can be further discounted through head-to-head competition and negotiations Unparalleled access to local and global companies GSA State and Local Programs Time Savings Built-In Value Selection Cost Savings
22 Helpful Links Website NameWebsite Address GSA GSA State and Local Programs Cooperative Purchasing (70 & 84) Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program Program GSAAdvantage! ® eLibrary eBuy
23 Helpful Links Website NameWebsite Address Federal Ordering Procedures for GSA Schedules GSA Customer Service Directors GSA On-line Training FCSA Future COMSATCOM – Satellite Solutions FEMA Grant Guidance for Disaster Recovery Program
24 Schedule 70
25 Schedule 70 Background Any Funds Can be Used to Purchase through the Program Opened Schedule 70 to State and Local Governments at all Times Legislation P.L Sec. 211 of the E-Government Act of 2002 Along with Schedule 70, constitutes the Cooperative Purchasing Program
26 IT Schedule 70 Snapshot Software Term Software Licenses Perpetual Software Licenses Purchase or Rental Web-servers Network servers Cables Routers Gateways Biometric Readers Image capturing cameras Services Training Maintenance Installation IT Professional Services Wireless Services E-Authentication E-Commerce Hardware IT Schedule 70 provides state and local government customers with direct access to commercial products, services and solutions.
27 Complementary Schedule 70-based Offerings Cloud IT Services Future COMSATCOM Satellite Services Solutions SmartBUY BPAs
28 Cloud IT Services Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Head-to-head competition occurred resulting in 12 awarded BPAs (BPAs cover cloud storage, virtual machines and web hosting) Requirements include 99.5% availability and Disaster Recovery and Continuity of Operations Plan Software as a Service (SaaS) SaaS solutions are identified on existing Schedule 70 contracts SaaS offerings include CRM, Analytics, Asset Management, Knowledge Management and Document and Content Management is primary source for SaaS
29 Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition (FCSA) – Satellite Solutions Schedule 70 currently provides commercial satellite communications services through Schedule 70 In FY2010, GSA added two new SINs Commercial Satellite Communications Transponded Capacity Owning/operating or reselling dedicated bandwidth and power on a communications satellite in any available COMSATCOM frequency band Commercial Satellite Communications Subscription Services Pre-existing, pre-engineered Fixed Satellite Service and/or Mobile Satellite Service solutions, typically including shared or dedicated satellite resources, ancillary terrestrial components, and Contractor specified networks and equipment in any available COMSATCOM frequency band
30 SmartBUY (Software Managed and Acquired on the Right Terms) SmartBUY leverages software purchasing power via BPAs that were awarded via head-to-head competition Improves the configuration management, security, and standards of computers Incorporates the latest National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards Focuses on software; ordering entities can use Schedule 70 for hardware and complementary purchases to support the software SmartBUY
31 SmartBUY currently has 35 active Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) 20 of the BPAs are available for state and local use Planned and recompeted BPAs may also include state and local government end users, when possible SmartBUY Achievements Since program inception, Federal agencies saved over $1.325 billion through SmartBUY purchases
32 Available SmartBUY Agreements
33 For Assistance on Schedule 70 Call or the IT Schedule 70 Helpline (877) 446-IT70 (4870) 8:00am – 4:00pm EDT/EST Monday – Friday In addition to GSA’s CSDs and eTools, additional information and assistance in using Schedule 70 is available through:
34 Schedule 84 Law Enforcement/Public Safety
35 Schedule 84 Background Opened Schedule 84 to state and local governments at all times Any funds can be used to purchase through the program Legislation P.L The Local Preparedness Acquisition Act of 2008 Along with Schedule 70, constitutes the Cooperative Purchasing Program
36 Schedule 84 Offerings – Law Enforcement Sample of Products/ Services Available Night VisionSearch and Detection ArmorHarbor Security ChemsuitsEnforcement Equipment Body ArmorBomb Detection Boat RepairDrug Detection Kits Guard Services with Dog Handlers Radiation Equipment Hazard/Nuclear Material Detection
37 Schedule 84 Offerings – Firefighting/Public Safety Sample of Products/ Services Available Firefighting ClothingExtinguishers, Suppressers Flood ControlBreathing Equipment Gas Mask Firefighting Equipment Rescue Equipment Special Purpose Clothing Aerial Search and Rescue Equip. Fire Trucks Firefighting Equipment Valves, Hoses
38 Schedule 84 Offerings – Facility Security Sample of Products/ Services Available Security SystemsCorrection Officers and Firefighters Intrusion Detection Systems Protective Service Occupations Correction OfficersIntrusion Detection Systems Alarm and Signal Systems Patient Wandering Systems Court Security Officers Facility Management Systems Integrated Security Systems Access Control Systems Baggage Inspectors
39 Disaster Recovery Purchasing
40 State and Local Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program Facilitate recovery from a Presidentially- declared disaster or act of terrorism Advance Purchasing Allowed All GSA Schedules are available Legislation P.L Sec. 833 John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2007
41 Program Features Allows for establishing pre-positioned BPAs in advance of recurring disasters (hurricanes, floods, fires, etc) Use GSA eTools to strategically locate contractors out of the disaster’s path State and local governments are NOT exempt from meeting FEMA competitive procedures and/or Stafford Act requirements for small business and local preference programs FEMA Public Assistance Grant Guidance (Disaster Assistance Fact Sheet ) allows for purchasing from Federal Supply Schedules in support of major disasters Federal ordering procedures MUST be used when spending federal grant dollars
42 For Assistance In addition to GSA’s CSDs and eTools, additional information and assistance using Schedule 70 available through: Contact Bruce Kelly Phone: (703)
43 State and Local Participation Voluntary No obligation by state and/or local governments to use the Schedules Contractors decide whether to accept orders from state and local governments Always Open for Use Meet GSA Eligible Users Criteria Have State or Local Authority o Granted by State or Local Entity
44 State and Local Procurement Policy and Preference Programs Procurement Policies Apply Your state or local procurement policies and waiver procedures apply when placing an order using a GSA Program Preference Programs State and Local preference programs are not waived or otherwise affected by GSA’s state and local programs
45 Schedule Terms and Conditions GSA Schedule Ts&Cs are Foundational S&Ls may add additional Ts&Cs or enhance existing Ts&Cs so long as: The contractor agrees to the changes The changes do not undermine the integrity of the foundational Ts&Cs The process for enhancing Schedule Ts&Cs to meet your requirements is very similar to a participating addendum
46 Contract Ts&Cs are available via eLibrary Clause exceptions that do not apply to orders placed by state and local governments include: o Federal Prompt Payment Act – The ordering entity’s prompt payment laws take precedence o Disputes – GSA is not a party to resolving disputes within the Cooperative Purchasing Program o Patent Indemnity Clause – Applies to Federal Ordering Activities only o Commercial Item Contract Terms and Conditions Unique to the Federal Government – Applies to Federal Ordering Activities only o State and local governments may need to address these areas at the order level Schedule Terms and Conditions 46
47 Registration Current S&L registration for GSAAdvantage! ® and eBuy must be done through GSAAdvantage! For immediate registration, users must have a.gov,.edu, or.xx.us (where xx is state code) Users without approved domain names will have to go through alternate process with the GSAAdvantage! helpdesk.
48 Alternate Registration Process To request a domain be approved for use on GSA Advantage, please provide the following: A request must be submitted in writing on official letterhead of your particular state or local government organization. The name of your state or local organization must be on the letterhead. The letter must be signed and dated by an organization head or approving official granting the use of GSA Advantage by your organization. The domain for consideration must be clearly identified (i.e. mycity.org). Please note that your domain must be unique to your organization. GSA will not approve generic domains from Internet Service Providers (ISP) such as Hotmail, Comcast, Gmail, Yahoo, Verizon, etc.mycity.org A Point of Contact (POC) for this domain: name, phone, , and title. The POC will serve as a liaison and be responsible for all individuals who request a GSA Advantage account in the future using the requested domain. The POC should not be the same as your organization head. A short paragraph explaining your organizational mission. Specify which program (Cooperative Purchasing or Disaster Recovery) your organization will be using to purchase products and services. You may submit the request with attached letterhead document via to GSA_028 Please note that GSA will review each request and determine if that domain will be approved for ordering on GSAAdvantage!. You will be notified of the decision via .