Science K – 2: Read Well and Treasures and MORE!!!
Know the Benchmark Skills of the NGSSS The NGSSS “Big Ideas” and benchmarks for each grade level are concise. Know them like the back of your hand! As topics and skills are encountered within reading instruction, teachers MUST know when and how to reinforce Science benchmarks, content, and understandings simultaneously.
How was the Kindergarten Science Academic Plan created? instructional resources NGSSS for Science Read Well K
How was the Grade 1 Science Academic Plan created? instructional resources NGSSS for Science 1 st Grade Treasures
How was the Grade 2 Science Academic Plan created? instructional resources NGSSS for Science 2 nd Grade Treasures
Help!?!?! I teach… SRA Read Well 1 Read Well 2
ONE Science Academic Plan per Grade Level Academic Plan NGSSS Big Ideas Instructional resources
Merge your Reading Series (Read Well, SRA or Treasures) instruction and Science Instructional Sequences Explicit instruction Guided practice Individual Practice Application higher levels of complexity and concept development Plan for… multiple opportunities to learn. collaborative and individual tasks. student generated learning opportunities. student engagement in each instructional stage. multiple resources and types of text.
Consider… what content can be integrated during the reading block via: Whole group (Get Ready Story, Main Selection, Paired Selection, Lit Book, Lap Book, Art Projects, Scrapbook Art) Small group (Leveled Readers, Content Flip Chart, Student Storybooks) Plan… what Science knowledge needs to be instructed outside the reading block, using the additional Treasures resources and other materials, targeting Science specific skills, And… what application/extensions from both Reading & Science can be included during literacy centers within the reading block.
When do I teach Science? Science Background Knowledge & Content: Read Well, SRA, Treasures text and resources Science Application: Hands-on, Inquiry Activities; Science Notebooks Inside the 90 minute Reading blockOutside the 90 minute Reading block Literacy Centers
So Where Do I Begin? Dive into the Science Academic Plan!
I Spy with my LITTLE EYES
The Elementary Science Academic Plans have been created to provide for cross curricular instruction in Science and Reading Kindergarten Scavenger Hunt Grade 2 Scavenger Hunt Grade 1 Scavenger Hunt
What resources, in addition to Read Well, will assist in providing instruction and practice of the NGSSS benchmarks? Lap Books Lit Books Scrapbook art Art Projects What Read Well resources will assist in providing instruction and practice of the NGSSS benchmarks? Read Alouds CPALMS Lessons
Let’s take a Picture Walk
Teaching Whole Class Lessons: Read Alouds and Related Activities Every day a Read Aloud! Multiple Genres Classic Favorites
Teaching Whole Class Lessons: Read Aloud Related Activities Art, Songs, Games, Journals, Pocket Chart Work Purpose: provide multiple opportunities and a variety of contexts for students to practice and reinforce learned skills.
Teaching Whole Class Lessons: Read Aloud Related Activities Unit Art Projects Theme-based connections For use with Read Alouds ABC Scrapbook Art Songs Reflect unit themes and reinforce skills Games Combine movement with skill reinforcement Journals Helps students make connections between unit themes and their lives Pocket Chart Complements other activities Songs, Story Retells, Sentence Scramble
Small Group Lessons
Teaching Small Group Lessons: Story Reading Decodable Text – Duet Stories – Solo Stories Priming Background Knowledge Vocabulary Introduction
What Treasures resources will assist in providing instruction and practice of the NGSSS benchmarks? Within the 90 Minute Block: Unit and related weekly themes Weekly Literature: Get Ready Story, Main Selection, Paired Selection, Leveled Readers Workstation Flip Chart Time for Kids Magazine Content Vocabulary words Day 4 Content-specific questioning Week 3 TFK & Week 6 SWYK Test-Taking Strategies for Non- Fiction Text In addition to the 90 Minutes: Unit Opener & Closer: Theme Project Cross-Curricular Projects Writing Workshop Day 4 Research and Inquiry tied to the Paired Selection Online Research & Inquiry Activity available for each week Classroom Library: books & lessons Theme Bibliography Leveled Reader Database
Let’s take a Picture Walk
Almost every piece of Weekly Literature/Text may have a theme/topic that provides opportunities for Science Content/Skills to be instructed in tandem: Interdependence SC.2.L.17.1 SC.2.L.17.2
In addition to the Weekly Literature/Text there are additional resources for Literacy Centers that will provide opportunities for the infusion of Science content/knowledge/skills during the Reading Block: SC.1.E.5.3 SC.1.N.1.3 Earth in Space and Time InterdependenceSC.1.L17.1
Properties of Matter SC.2.P.8.2 Content Vocabulary Words
Day 4: Paired Selection Content specific questioning and text feature support Heredity & Reproduction SC.1.L.16.1
Week 3 Time for Kids Non-fiction Test taking strategies The Practice of Science SC.1.N.1.1
Week 6 Show What You Know Non-fiction Test taking strategies Heredity & Reproduction SC.1.L.16.1
SC.2.N.1.1 SC.2.N.1.2 SC.2.N.1.3 SC.2.N.1.4 SC.2.N.1.5 SC.2.N.1.6 The Practice of Science Earth Systems and Patterns SC.2.E.7.1 SC.2.E.7.5
The Practice of Science SC.2.N.1.1 SC.2.N.1.2 SC.2.N.1.3 SC.2.N.1.4 SC.2.N.1.5 SC.2.N.1.6 Earth Systems and Patterns SC.2.E.7.1 SC.2.E.7.5
Day 4: Paired Selection Research & Inquiry Activity The Practice of Science SC.1.N.1.2 SC.1.N.1.3
Earth Systems and Patterns SC.2.E.7.5
Theme Bibliography provides additional concept related titles:
This rich leveled library provides below, on, and above level reading materials all of which are leveled according to Guided Reading Levels, Lexile Levels, and correlated to DRA.
Curriculum and Staff Development Center (CSDC) website for Science: Curriculum and Staff Development Center (CSDC) website for Reading: Curriculum and Staff Development Sharepoint: Science Curriculum Center: Elementary Reading and Language Arts Sharepoint: