TOOL #1: WORD PROCESSING Word processors, like Microsoft Word, is a type of computer software that replaces traditional handwritten compositions such as essays and other pieces of writing. Word processing is a very useful tool for teachers to implement due to its flexibility and efficiency, as well as its tendency to be compatible with a variety of subjects. Word processors are available in virtually every school, since all computers possess such applications. These applications may fit needs of students in order to fine-tune their work utilizing auto-correct features. For students with disabilities, word processors offer an outlet that will place less strain as opposed to handwriting.
TOOL #2: SPREADSHEETS Spreadsheets, like word processors, are useful technological tools for the classroom for certain subjects like math and science. They are quite efficient in that they allow teachers and students alike save time and energy by making desired calculations and other numerical data more accurately. Teachers use spreadsheets for grades, whilst students may use spreadsheets in order to complete an assignment on accounting. Spreadsheets are easily accessed by students in public schools as they are commonplace applications in computers. For students with disabilities, spreadsheets are a desired tool for math calculations and the like, especially for those with orthopedic impairments.
TOOL #3: PRESENTATION SOFTWARE Presentation software is another tool, like word processors and spreadsheets, that can be used effectively in the classroom. Presentation software is used to accompany presentations or lectures that are conducted by teachers and students. Strengths of presentation software include adaptability and efficacy of use. Presentation software, such as PowerPoint, can utilize a variety of media such as images, sound files and video. Students can utilize presentation media for projects that have to be presented to the classroom. For students that have disabilities, presentation software can be used in order to incorporate universal learning principles.
TOOL #4: DESKTOP PUBLISHERS Desktop publishing is a great tool for the classroom due to its multi- faceted approach to word processing. Desktop publishing is a more creative approach in allowing students to showcase their work, since the application emphasizes graphics and design instead of just text. Students may use desktop publishing in order to fulfill classroom activities such as newsletters or zines, for example. This software is geared more towards expanding on the students’ creative frameworks of thinking. Desktop publishing is not as commonplace as word processors or spreadsheets, thus is not as accessible as other applications.
TOOL #5: WEB DESIGN SOFTWARE Web design software allows teachers and students to construct webpages quickly and easily without the troublesome and time- consuming use of HTML.. These applications possess an ease of usage that allow teachers to construct websites containing news, updates and other types of information for their students and their families. Teachers may also choose to have daily classroom activities and assignments posted on the class websites that are accessible to students 24/7. On the other hand,
TOOL #6: INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD Interactive whiteboards are very commonplace in classrooms in present times. They are very useful in that they function as regular whiteboards, but have the capability to be connected to a digital projector as well as a computer with the appropriate software. Any type of application can be displayed by the whiteboard; however, the most fantastic aspect about interactive whiteboards is that a work session can be saved to be continued at a later time. These whiteboards can also be manipulated by hands and special pens. Students benefit from interactive whiteboards since they are engaging and give more lush lessons. Students receiving exceptional education services can benefit from interactive whiteboards since they can be manipulated easily and effectively.
TOOL #7: SEARCH ENGINES The internet can be a very positive and rewarding tool. These rewards can be bestowed upon student by way of the search engine. Search engines, such as the infamous Google, have revolutionized the way information is obtained by students and teachers. Just with the typing of a few words and click of a button, myriads of data on a certain subject as the fingertips of teachers and students alike. This tool is very accessible to students, since they do serve a role in their social and personal lives as well. Search engines can be used in the classroom for multiple reasons, such as research projects, or locating a tutorial for extra support.
TOOL #8: SOCIAL MEDIA Although many people affirm that social media has caused the downfall of modern society, it can be a useful tool in the classroom. A teacher can create a Facebook page for his or her classroom in order to facilitate discussion during the before or after school hours, as well as share information regarding classroom activities. This is a tool that many students will be accepting of, since social media is widely commonplace amongst school-aged children today. Students may also use social media for a project requiring interaction from their peers, such as surveys, since participants can interact with each other in real time.
TOOL #9: ONLINE SURVEY TOOLS Online survey tools is an excellent approach in obtaining student feedback for teachers. These tools allow students to volunteer information anonymously and honestly. Not only are these surveys useful in collecting data regarding the effectiveness of a given lesson, but they can be incorporated into the actual lesson as well. Many teachers chose to allow student input and thoughts to be implemented in a given lesson. These online surveys can do just that. It may be difficult to use online surveys in that every student has to have access to the internet in real time.
RESOURCES: Roblyer, M.D., Doering, A., (2013). Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.