Principles of Protein Structure ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY primary structure Stop to ask questions: leave a moment for silence. Take Home Message: define secondary structure Next part of the talk will deal with what computational tools we can use for secondary structure prediction in proteins
Different Levels of Protein Structure NH2 Lysine Histidine Valine Arginine Alanine COOH
Common Secondary Structure Elements The Alpha Helix Take Home Message: Alpha Helix commonly observed secondary structure in proteins –looks like a corkscrew
Properties of alpha helix 3.6 residues per turn, 13 atoms between H-bond donor and acceptor approx. -60º; approx. -40º H- bond between C=O of ith residue & -NH of (i+4)th residue First -NH and last C=O groups at the ends of helices do not participate in H-bond Ends of helices are polar, and almost always at surfaces of proteins Always right- handed Macro- dipole
Alpha Helix
Helical wheel Residues i, i+4, i+7 occur on one face of helices, and hence show definite pattern of hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity
Introduction to Molecular Biophysics Association of helices: coiled coils Introduction to Molecular Biophysics These coiled coils have a heptad repeat abcdefg with nonpolar residues at position a and d and an electrostatic interaction between residues e and g. Isolated alpha helices are unstable in solution but are very stable in coiled coil structures because of the interactions between them The chains in a coiled-coil have the polypeptide chains aligned parallel and in exact axial register. This maximizes coil formation between chains. The coiled coil is a protein motif that is often used to control oligomerization. They involve a number of alpha-helices wound around each other in a highly organised manner, similar to the strands of a rope.
Introduction to Molecular Biophysics The Leucine Zipper Coiled Coil Introduction to Molecular Biophysics Initially identified as a structural motif in proteins involved in eukaryotic transcription. (Landschultz et al., Science 240: 1759-1763 (1988). Originally identified in the liver transcription factor C/EBP which has a Leu at every seventh position in a 28 residue segment.
Association of helices: coiled coils The helices do not have to run in the same direction for this type of interaction to occur, although parallel conformation is more common. Antiparallel conformation is very rare in trimers and unknown in pentamers, but more common in intramolecular dimers, where the two helices are often connected by a short loop. Chan et al., Cell 89, Pages 263-273.
Basis for the helical dipole In an alpha helix all of the peptide dipoles are oriented along the same direction. Consequently, the alpha helix has a net dipole moment. Since the dipole moment of a peptide bond is 3.5 Debye units, the alpha helix has a net macrodipole of: n X 3.5 Debye units (where n= number of residues) This is equivalent to 0.5 – 0.7 unit charge at the end of the helix. The amino terminus of an alpha helix is positive and the carboxy terminus is negative.
Structure of human TIM Two helix dipoles are seen to play important roles: Stabilization of inhibitor 2-PG Modulation of pKa of active site His-95.
Helical Propensities Ala -0.77 Arg -0.68 Lys -0.65 Leu -0.62 Met -0.50 Trp -0.45 Phe -0.41 Ser -0.35 Gln -0.33 Glu -0.27 Cys -0.23 Ile -0.23 Tyr -0.17 Asp -0.15 Val -0.14 Thr -0.11 Asn -0.07 His -0.06 Gly 0 Pro ~3
Common Secondary Structure Elements The Beta Sheet Take Home Message – Beta sheet is a secondary structural element that is often observed in proteins, description of beta sheet structure – antiparallel strands, hydrogen bonding across strands
Secondary structure: reverse turns
Secondary Structure: Phi & Psi Angles Defined Rotational constraints emerge from interactions with bulky groups (ie. side chains). Phi & Psi angles define the secondary structure adopted by a protein. Take Home Message: Phi & Psi determine secondary structure In order to compute secondary structure elements in proteins, you need to understand the spacial constraints that protein sequences are under due to the rotation around peptide bond.
The dihedral angles at Ca atom of every residue provide polypeptides requisite conformational diversity, whereby the polypeptide chain can fold into a globular shape
Ramachandran Plot Take Home Message: Ramachradan was a really smart interesting scientist 1922 – 2001 Defined - A graphical representation in which the dihedral angle of rotation about the alpha-carbon to carbonyl-carbon bond in polypeptides is plotted against the dihedral angle of rotation about the alpha-carbon to nitrogen bond. Ramachandran – calculations that elegantly accounted for the structure and amino acid composition of collagen in 1954, training in physics and electrical engineering – really significant contribution early on to the field of structural biology – developed the above Rhamachandran plot in response to stereochemical critisicisms of the collagen structure – notable critic Crick. G N Ramachandran used computer models of small polypeptides to systematically vary phi and psi with the objective of finding stable conformations. For each conformation, the structure was examined for close contacts between atoms. Atoms were treated as hard spheres with dimensions corresponding to their van der Waals radii. Therefore, phi and psi angles which cause spheres to collide correspond to sterically disallowed conformations of the polypeptide backbone. In the diagram above the white areas correspond to conformations where atoms in the polypeptide come closer than the sum of their van der Waals radi. These regions are sterically disallowed for all amino acids except glycine which is unique in that it lacks a side chain. The red regions correspond to conformations where there are no steric clashes, ie these are the allowed regions namely the alpha-helical and beta-sheet conformations. The yellow areas show the allowed regions if slightly shorter van der Waals radi are used in the calculation, ie the atoms are allowed to come a little closer together. This brings out an additional region which corresponds to the left-handed alpha-helix. Today, for beginners in biochemistry protein structures are introduced with a discussion of the Ramachandran map, which also forms the cornerstone for many discussions of protein folding.
Secondary Structure Table 10
Beyond Secondary Structure Supersecondary structure (motifs): small, discrete, commonly observed aggregates of secondary structures b sheet helix-loop-helix bab Domains: independent units of structure b barrel four-helix bundle *Domains and motifs sometimes interchanged*
Common motifs
Supersecondary structure: Crossovers in b-a-b-motifs Left handed Right handed
EF Hand Consists of two perpendicular 10 to 12 residue alpha helices with a 12-residue loop region between Form a single calcium-binding site (helix-loop-helix). Calcium ions interact with residues contained within the loop region. Each of the 12 residues in the loop region is important for calcium coordination. In most EF-hand proteins the residue at position 12 is a glutamate. The glutamate contributes both its side-chain oxygens for calcium coordination. Calmodulin, recoverin : Regulatory proteins Calbindin, parvalbumin: Structural proteins
EF Fold Found in Calcium binding proteins such as Calmodulin
Helix Turn Helix Motif Consists of two a helices and a short extended amino acid chain between them. Carboxyl-terminal helix fits into the major groove of DNA. This motif is found in DNA-binding proteins, including l repressor, tryptophan repressor, catabolite activator protein (CAP)
Leucine Zipper
Rossman Fold The beta-alpha-beta-alpha-beta subunit Often present in nucleotide-binding proteins
What is a Protein Fold? Compact, globular folding arrangement of the polypeptide chain Chain folds to optimise packing of the hydrophobic residues in the interior core of the protein
Common folds
Tertiary structure examples: All-a Cytochrome C four-helix bundle Alamethicin The lone helix Rop helix-turn-helix
Tertiary structure examples: All-b b sandwich b barrel
Tertiary structure examples: a/b placental ribonuclease inhibitor a/b horseshoe triose phosphate isomerase a/b barrel
Four helix bundle 24 amino acid peptide with a hydrophobic surface Assembles into 4 helix bundle through hydrophobic regions Maintains solubility of membrane proteins
Oligonucleotide Binding (OB) fold
TIM Barrel The eight-stranded a /b barrel (TIM barrel) The most common tertiary fold observed in high resolution protein crystal structures 10% of all known enzymes have this domain
Zinc Finger Motif
Domains are independently folding structural units. Often, but not necessarily, they are contiguous on the peptide chain. Often domain boundaries are also intron boundaries.
Domain swapping: Parts of a peptide chain can reach into neighboring structural elements: helices/strands in other domains or whole domains in other subunits. Domain swapped diphteria toxin:
Transmembrane Motifs Helix bundles Long stretches of apolar amino acids Fold into transmembrane alpha-helices “Positive-inside rule” Cell surface receptors Ion channels Active and passive transporters Beta-barrel Anti-parallel sheets rolled into cylinder Outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria Porins (passive, selective diffusion)
Quaternary Structure Refers to the organization of subunits in a protein with multiple subunits Subunits may be identical or different Subunits have a defined stoichiometry and arrangement Subunits held together by weak, noncovalent interactions (hydrophobic, electrostatic) Associate to form dimers, trimers, tetramers etc. (oligomer) Typical Kd for two subunits: 10-8 to 10-16M (tight association) Entropy loss due to association - unfavorable Entropy gain due to burying of hydrophobic groups - very favourable
Structural and functional advantages of quaternary structure Stability: reduction of surface to volume ratio Genetic economy and efficiency Bringing catalytic sites together Cooperativity (allostery) There are a number of advantages in forming oligomers: size without loss of stability modular construction – one gene – big protein complex catalytic sites in enzymes regulation – will return to this briefly later 40
Quaternary structure of multidomain proteins