Bullying and Stress
What is bullying? Using strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker, typically to get the person to do what you want.
Who can be a bully? Kids Adults Parents Teachers ANYONE!!!
Who can be a victim? ANYONE!
What is Harassment? Aggressive pressure or intimidation. WHAT IS STEREOTYPING? A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
85% of bullying situations are witnessed. So why do people stay silent?
3 types of Bullying Physical bullying Verbal bullying Relationship bullying
Physical bullying Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone...or even just threatening to do it Stealing, hiding, or ruining someone's things Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do
Verbal bullying Name-calling Teasing, taunting Insulting or otherwise verbally abusing someone
Relationship bullying Refusing to talk to someone Excluding someone from groups or activities Spreading lies or rumors about someone Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do
Cyberbullying A bully can harass, threaten, or humiliate you by using computers, cell phones, and social networking sites to: Send or forward hurtful or threatening s or text messages. Post photos and other personal information online without your consent. Pretend to be someone else to trick or humiliate you. Spread lies and rumors about you. Create a group or social networking page to target or exclude you. Dupe you into revealing personal information that can then be used to hurt you.
Do you think our school has a bullying problem?
Bang Bang You’re dead viewing notes… Choose one of the following characters to study throughout the film: Trevor (the “mad bomber”) Sean (leader of the Trogs) Val Duncan (drama teacher) Jenny (the new girl in school) Mr. Adams (Trevor’s father) Brad (#32 on the football team)
Bang Bang You’re dead viewing notes… Focus on the three questions below as you observe your character in the movie. Throughout the movie, what choices did your character make that had an impact on others? What were the consequences of those choices on themselves and/or other? What factors, events, or pressures affected those choices? Did your character have other choices he/she could have made? What were they? Why didn’t they choose them?