ECOMIX 1. Business 2. Technology 3. Applications Contents
ECOMIX ® is a multipurpose filtration material to treat 5 major problems of well water: Hardness Iron Manganese Tannins (Natural Organic Matter) Ammonia
International Trust
Ecomix Sales m 3 = bags
5 typical problems of Ukraine’s well water: Iron Manganese Hardness Ammonia Tannins, Natural Organic Matter (by COD) Insides of a dishwasher that has run on raw well water How we arrived at the point?
1.Catalytic media (Birm, MTM, Greensand) for Iron removal 2.Cation exchange resin for softening 3.Activated carbon for tannins removal 4.Zeolite for ammonia treatment Raw water If we use conventional technology… Detailed water analysis is required Deep knowledge of water chemistry and experience are necessary Limited effectiveness High cost Tricky in operation
If we use ECOMIX… Market’s best solution for Manganese and Iron One filter for 5 impurities. No detailed water analysis required. Retrofit of traditional softener. Proved effectiveness for the majority of waters worldwide Lower cost and higher gain EFFECTIVE SIMPLE UNIVERSAL CHEAP
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Today Ecomix is not just another iron removal media, but a powerful business development tool in iron contaminated water areas.
Water treatment dealers and shops
Non-water companies Only one parameter required – Total Iron
Internet sales No water analysis required
Commercial advantages
ECOMIX ® is a composition of FIVE materials of different origin and properties Includes two patented adsorption components invented by Ecosoft.
Quartz sand support bed Cation exchange resin exchanges Ca and Mg and residuals of Fe (II). Modified sorbent HumiSorb retains NOM through electrostatic interaction with charged groups and hydrophobic binding with aromatic fragments. Modified sorbent FerroSorb binds Fe(II), provides formation of firm Fe(III) oxides layer and autocatalytic adsorption of iron and manganese compounds Inert resin removes oxidized iron and ensures even flow distribution in backwash patented
Ecomix includes a tailor-made iron and manganese sorbent FerroSorb Cross-section of FerroSorb Outer active layer of the FerroSorb allows to efficiently remove IRON and MANGANESE from water
Adsorption-oxidation (AOX) mechanism of Iron sorption by FerroSorb 1а 1б Active centers for Mn 2+ sorption
FerroSorb in Ecomix works to efficiently remove iron and manganese Common cation exchange resins take iron too, but due to poor regeneration become exhausted very fast
FerroSorb is regenerated by Surface Scouring Mechanism (SSM) in fluidized bed Other resins are exhausted irreversibly Well-known oxidation-filtration is not applicable to FerroSorb, because FerroSorb provides totally different mechanism of action: Adsorption → Oxidation → Layer Formation → Multicycle Autocatalytic Sorption
Ecomix includes a tailor-made HumiSorb that reduces level of Tannins and color of water fresh HumiSorb HumiSorb after Tannins adsorption
Electrostatic-hydrophobic mechanism of Tannin adsorption Electrostatic interaction Hydrophobic binding
HumiSorb is not just an anion exchange resin o Very efficient for aquatic tannins o Regeneration with Cl - Due to irreversible binding of tannins common anion exchange resins become exhausted very fast
Ecomix production technology is a know- how of Ecosoft: Provides activation of the surface modifiers in FerriSorb & HumiSorb Homogenity Consistent quality and composition Ecomix production is ISO 9001:2009 certified
Ukraine (for ex-USSR countries) Germany (for EU countries and the United States) ECOMIX ® is manufactured in: Supplied in 25 L (0.9 ft 3 ) and 12 L (0.4 ft 3 ) bags
50% reduction of Tannins (COD) 80% reduction of Tannins (COD)
Maximum concentration level Tannins (by COD) Hardness* *limit installed due to sodium effluent FeMn NH 4 ppm O 2 meq/L gpg ppm CaCO 3 ppm Removal efficiency, % 50% 97%98% 90% 80%
Regeneration NaCl 100 g/liter 5,5 lbs/bag
Competitors 1.Generic mixtures of ion exchange resins 2.Synthetic zeolite What is the difference?
Genuine Ecomix Generic mixture1 Generic mixture 2 Mixtures of ion exchange resins that are sold at several times the price of their ingredients Visual differences Generics do not contain FerroSorb and HumiSorb Not homogeneous → no guaranty for stable product composition Become exhausted after iron sorption
1.Lower retention capacity for iron and hardness 2.Adsorption capacity deteriorates after each service cycle, generics do not regenerate completely 3.There is a risk of releasing retained manganese! Generic Ecomix Caution! Generics are dangerous because of Mn!
ECOMIX vs. Synthetic zeolite EcomixSynthetic zeolite Exchange capacity, eq/L (grains/cft) Ecomix A – 0,75 (15 200) Ecomix C – 0,65 (13 100) 0,6 (12 092) Consumption of salt per regeneration, g/L 100 (6.2 lbs/ft 3 ) 130 (8.1 lbs/ft 3 ) Iron reduction Dissolved inorganic, organic iron Do not retain organic iron Tannins reduction Ecomix A – 50% Ecomix C – 80% Tight limit H2SH2S Does not exhaust, reduction – 50% Exhaust, Soda regeneration required
Acceptable limitsEcomixSynthetic zeolite pH5-9>6 or >7 Tannins by COD, ppm O 2 <20<6 Iron, ppm<15 Fe+Mn <15 Manganese, ppm<3 Grains Hardness, (CaCO 3 ) <45 (due to sodium effluent) <38 or <76 min 3 min TDS: 80 ppm ECOMIX vs. Synthetic zeolite Concentration limits
10% of sales 18% of sales 55% of sales
Ecomix service cycle is neatly calculated from its ion exchange capacity: (* at 100 g NaCl/liter or 6,2 lbs/ft 3 ) Exchange capacity and regeneration ECOMIX A 0,75 eq/l = grains/cft* ECOMIX C 0,65 eq/l = grains/cft*
Water treatment for household Cartridge fine filter FK 1054 FK 1252 FK 1465 FK 1665 Hydrogen sulfide removal Drinking water purification Centaur UV disinfection FPC 1054 FPC 1252 FPC 1465 FPC 1665
Reverse osmosis water pre-treatment Cartridge fine filter Reverse osmosis system UV disinfection Holding tank and pump
Water for boilers and heaters Cartridge fine filter Na + cycle IX softening Deep softening of water Chemical conditioning Reagent dosing
Для расчета ресурса используйте только значения жесткости. Calculate the capacity based on water hardness only Purified water Raw water Run a regeneration procedure after having installed the system Sediment filter is an essential unit. Iron < 7-10 ppm – cartridge filter Iron > 10 ppm – media filter Attention! Drain line should not exceed length of 2 m Recommended inlet pressure is 3-4 bar (45-60 PSI)
Properly use Ecomix: Ensure the media and the system are operated according to manufacturer’s requirements Adhere to guidelines Cartridge or rinsable fine filter Pre-filter water Ensure sufficient quantity and saturation of brine is provided Ensure obstruction and impediment free water flow Properly regenerate Early recognition of any issues and their causes helps secure long service life of Ecomix media
Leak Hardness and iron in treated water Poor regeneration Iron in treated water Most frequent problems and their causes For successful operation ensure adequate regeneration
Accumulation and aggregation of trapped fines Excessive volume of media Insufficient or excessive backwash flow rate Too short backwash time Consequences and causes of poor regeneration Loss of ion exchange capacity Insufficient brine volume and/or concentration Insufficient brine contact time Poor/restricted brine percolation due to buildup of fines or channel forming in the bed
Restoring the media after improper use Thorough rinsing to release trapped fines Extensive brining Cleaning with acids Cleaning with oxidants Cleaning with sulfite type chemicals
2. Air scouring the bed (5-10 minutes) 1. Interval backwashing with second periods of rest 3. Making brine in the filter tank (1,3-1,5 kg of salt per 10 L of the media) 4. Air scouring the bed while resting it in brine (15-20 minutes) 5. Interval backwashing with second periods of rest until the brine is completely flushed away times times Restoring the media after improper use
Controlling odors Certain types of water may promote emergence of odor Use mL (0.07 gal) of household bleach per 25 L (0.9 ft 3 ) of Ecomix Pour the bleach into the brine tank, mix and start regeneration Shut off the water supply after the brine tank has been emptied Leave for 6-12 hours Complete regeneration procedure Run one more regeneration procedure
1. Is not merely a ‘mix’ of resins 2. Is sure to work 3. Allows to sell more ECOMIX