LMI for All: a glimpse into the future Professor Jenny Bimrose Institute for Employment Research University of Warwick
LMI for careers …… What LMI do clients need (and when)? What do practitioners need to know? Where can relevant LMI be found? How do we know it’s high quality?
Data Quality Who has produced the LMI? For what purpose? How was it collected? How were the LMI data disaggregated/classified? Is it up-to-date? Overall - is the LMI fit for purpose?
LMI for Careers Guidance Identify (what’s required?) Retrieve (which sources?) Interpret (what does it mean?) Collate (from different sources) Disseminate (who is the target?) Mediate (sense making)
LMI for All To develop a careers LMI data tool that supports individuals make better decisions about learning and work requiring access to, and use of, core national data sources
Objectives IDENTIFY:robust sources of LMI to inform decisions about learning and work COLLATE:sources in an automated, single, accessible location for careers FACILITATE: easy use of LMI data in conjunction with other data sources EVALUATE:relevance of the data tool with key stakeholders
Process of development: Dynamic/Iterative Data Accessibility & Open Data Stakeholders & Communication
Open Data agenda Growth Review Drivers
Data sources Consultations with data providers and stakeholders: Office for National Statistics [ASHE, LFS, Census of Population] - finding ways of publishing detailed estimates Devolved nations - statistical agencies BIS, DfE, & other bodies – access to data on education and training courses DWP - access to detailed data on vacancies by occupation Eurostat, Cedefop, etc. – access to European data Other data providers
Indicators Pay (estimates based on a combination of ASHE and LFS) Employment (Working Futures estimates based on LFS, BRES, etc) Unemployment (LFS) Occupational descriptions (ONS) Vacancies (DWP/Monster) Skills (O*NET) Courses (details to be determined)
ThemeRelevanceSource Employment levels by occupation How many jobs are there? How many in my area? What are the past trends? What are likely future trends? Labour Force Survey, Working Futures Average earnings by occupation How much do people get paid for this job? How much at the start of their career? How much in my area? Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings Unemployment by occupation What proportion of people in this occupation are currently out of work? Annual Population Survey Profile of qualification level by occupation What level of qualification do people have in this job and what am I likely to need? Labour Force Survey, Working Futures Vacancies by occupation How many vacancies are there for this job? What proportion are hard to fill? Employer Skills Survey Data in Phase 2a
Additional sourceRelevance Universal Job MatchWhat vacancies are available for particular jobs? Higher Education Statistics Agency destinations survey Which HE courses / subjects lead to particular jobs? FE course dataWhat local course provision is available that links to particular jobs? O*NETWhat interests, skills, knowledge, abilities are needed to do a particular job? What tasks are involved? Data options to be explored for possible inclusion in Phase 2b
Innovative approach to LMI for careers Working from the data Harnessing developers’ perspectives Challenges the traditional paradigms
Stakeholders & communication: Phase 2A Hack Day Modding Day Test data tool before release
Stakeholders & communication: Phase 2B Testing technical aspects (2 nd iteration of Hack and Modding days) Testing with end-users (three workshops and conference)
Stakeholders & communication: Phase 2B Conference End-user Workshop End-user Workshop End-user Workshop
Developers’ briefing 11 client cases Ages/ stages Vignettes ICT integration LMI wish list Questionnaire
Hack Day: 12 th March developers Open process 7 applications 4 selected: 2 merged 9 careers representatives Briefed & judged
Developer feedback Careers invaluable Amazing API Data: advance notice
Quick (ONET) Stats by Kaelan Fouwels
Job Trumps/ Job Recipe by Amy Brooks
Linda by Chris Hunt, Alex Bilbie, Giuseppe Sollazzo, Shad Jahangir
JobBungee by Ariel Elkin
Job Quest by Greg Mackelden
On Demand by Jimmy & Ariel
LMI Everywhere Widget by Rupert Redington
Hack day feedback Career stakeholders Apps addressed different audiences, their learning styles and data needs Data mashing was most appealing to ‘judges’ Potential to use on different devices Future potential confirmed
Phase 2A Modding day Apps to be taken forward Combination of apps to address different profiles of potential users, including: JobQuest JobBungee/On Demand LMI everywhere widget
Early adopters Access has now been provided to selected developers Purpose – to understand what creative applications will emerge Two interfaces are publicly available, others are working towards launch
Can be used along side other, qualitative information… E.g. icould 32 Data alongside career videos to encourage and inspire young people to think broadly about their careers
…For a wide range of audiences E.g. RCU data dashboard A summary dashboard presenting information on the current and future Employment demand for UK occupations to link LMI to a curriculum strategy 33
…In a variety of contexts E.g. Career Trax Temporary extension shows Career Trax embedded in the ‘Right Move’ website 34
Next steps Integration of more data, including: Short-term - Course data; Job vacancy data Long-term - More on skills & abilities (O*NET); European data Development of advanced search Development of tracking and statistics FINAL LAUNCH: MARCH 2015
Retrospective versus Prospective Development of applications so far – provide a glimpse into the future! EU Skills are potential uses of the LMI for All database……….
Commitment to disseminate to a broad audience of practice
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