Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ‘The role of Bromley CCG in meeting the health needs of children and young people and their families’. Presented by: Peter Lewis Senior Community Commissioning Manager Maria Davison Local Commissioning Manager
Introduction CCG Strategy for Commissioning of Healthcare Services for Children and Young People Additional Needs Services for Children and Young People in Bromley Introduction of SEND EHC Plans and Working with the Local Authority Local Offer
CCG Strategy for Commissioning of Healthcare Services for Children and Young People Bromley Health and Wellbeing Strategy describes 3 key priorities that relate to children and young people to be targeted by Health and Local Authority commissioners working in partnership. Children Referred to Social Care Children with Mental Health and Emotional Health Problems Children with Complex Needs and Disabilities
Introduction of Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms New reforms – part of the Children and Families Act 2014 A new approach to the way children and young people with special educations needs and disabilities are supported aged 0-25, with improved and consistent help for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Aims to improve the delivery of services across education, health and care to promote partnership working with SEND children and young people, and their families Focussed on agreed outcomes and commissioning services to support these. Integrated working across different sectors, with the wishes and aspirations of the child or young person at the centre. It is acknowledged that these are major changes to the current way of working and that health needs adapt the way in which services are commissioned, to reflect this new legislation.
Additional Needs Services for Children and Young People in Bromley Family/child focussed community based services interventions Early identification and accessible co-ordinated support and intervention Focus on prevention and de-escalation of health and developmental concerns Multi-agency diagnostic services Co-ordinated working with health, education, care and voluntary services Joint care plans focussed on agreed outcomes Training for the team around the child Transition pathways to adult services
EHC Plans and Working with the Local Authority New 0-25 Education, Health and Care plans will replace current system Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments. EHC plan is for children and young people have more complex special educational needs and disabilities. There is a duty on health commissioners to deliver the health elements of agreed EHC plans. Joint commissioning arrangements between local authorities and CCGs to include arrangements for securing the health care provision specified in EHC plans Joint assessments with Multi-agency group of professionals (where appropriate) and in conjunction with SEND children and young people and their families. Bromley CCG are working closely with colleagues at the Local Authority to ensure that both websites include details about availability of services across the board.
Local Offer The purpose of the Bromley Local Offer is to allow parents of children and young people with special educational needs and disabled young people themselves, to clearly see what services are available across the borough of Bromley and how they can access them. The Bromley Local Offer will include provision from birth to 25 years across education, health and social care. It is being developed in conjunction with children and young people, parents and carers and local services which include pre-school provision, schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.
Summary Major changes in legislation leading to better patient focussed outcomes following SEND reforms Joint integrated working across Health, Education and Care Changes to future commissioning arrangements reflecting the need for children and young people generally