Eight years of Chiropractic Research By Dr. Al Schulte Initiated by the Dean of Medicine And the Associate Dean of Research At the University of Saskatchewan Chairman Dr. B Juurlink PhD Funded by The Ralston Foundation
About Thirty Professionals Participated In This Research The dean of medicine at RUH The associate dean of research Chair Dr. B Juurlink (Cell Biologist) Two neurosurgeons Three radiologists One physicist from the synchrotron
Three kinesiology professors One biomedical engineer One computer professor Three MRI staff Three MRI tech Five kinesiology tech Three secretaries One student doing a 3-D model of medulla One student working on her PHD in neurology
Pinched Nerve Theory Why is the Chiro profession and students so scared to use the words pinched nerve?????????? The Medical Profession accepts the pinched nerve theory. I accept the pinched nerve theory and base my practice on it. For those not willing to accept this -prove to me otherwise. When the spinal nerve travels though the foramen, that area is packed. It is not a void or hollow space. It is easy to demonstrate a pinched nerve with an MRI. This is done by comparing the size of the spinal nerve root in the foramen from left to right side with MRI measurements.
Pinched nerve The average size of a lumbar spinal nerve root in height and width is 7 x 5 mm The only way to change the height and width of a nerve is by compression. When the height or width of a nerve changes- That is a PINCHED NERVE. When a nerve is pinched it can become inflamed and swollen. The corresponding muscle becomes weak. Proper adjustive procedure correct this problem
MRI of Spinal Nerve Roots Inflamed Nerve
JCCA Journal The first part of my research I had to make a marked improvement to a weak leg muscle with one chiro adjustment. Second part with MRIs find the reason for the neurological deficit. My first research paper was published in the JCCA Aug. 2011, I believe that it is the most important paper in chiro history. Why---- a third party can measure the results of an adjustment with objective muscle testing before and after an adjustment.
Techniques We have three hundred different techniques but there is not any pre and post objective testing to verify the results of an adjustment. The scientific future of the Chiropractic profession is with objective muscle testing. Subjective testing and evidence base is not a objective scientific practice in your office.
My New Theory How can cervical adjustments have such a huge influence on the cranial nerves. A subluxation of the axis or atlas causes a torque or rotation of the medulla and pons. This torque causes compression of the nuclei found in the medulla and pons. This causes the nuclei to fire. I now have scientists making a three-D model of the spinal cord and medulla from MRIs
MIGRAINE HEADACHE This girl had headaches daily for fourteen yrs Plus four to six migraine headaches per month A six degree improvement in the torque of the medulla has eliminated all her headaches. This is demonstrated with MRI measurements.
Migraine headaches For 14 Years Medulla Torque
15 Years Legally Blind Case history– Legally blind after an MVA for fifteen years. Examined for fifteen years by Ophthalmologists. Field of vision was five to ten degrees. Eye sight 20 / 400. Color vision was only yellow and red. With the MRI the medulla had a 24 degree torque. Objective cervical flexion muscle test was zero-- no strength- this indicates a neurological deficit of C1 and spinal accessory nerves number eleven.
Fifteen Years Blind Immediately after the adjustment there was a marked improvement to the weak cervical flexion muscle test. I had my optometrist examine her eyes immediately after the first adjustment. Eyes were normal but vision was 20 / 300 Three hours after the cervical adjustment her color vision and field of vision started to improve.
Fifteen Years A month later after four cervical adjustments her cervical flexion muscle test was normal. I had my optometrist examine her again. He could only say “I do not believe it”. Her color vision returned to normal (With a Color Chart)and her field of vision was full and with glasses her vision was 20 /25. Chiropractors can do miracles!!!
Medulla Torque
US Patent No: US 8,603,012 B2
Conclusion 1) It is possible to find a pinched spinal nerve in a normal foramen with MRI measurements. 2) A torque in the medulla can have a huge impacted on the majority of the cranial nerves. The following problems can occur: Vision; Migraine; Trigeminal Neuralgia; Bells Palsy; Vertigo, est.(B.J. Palmer would love this) A British mathematician’s quote “A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds” That makes me a crank, but I am succeeding.