The impact of migration Mexico to USA
International migration Activity One Complete the worksheet using the words below. Forced migration Voluntary migration Push factor International migration National migration Emigration Immigration Pull factors Refugee
The impact of migration Mexico to USA Study these images……… They will help you to understand: What the landscape of the USA/Mexico border is like Why some Mexican people are so desperate to migrate to the USA. What the journey over the border is like for emigrants
Images of Tijuana, Mexico...
San Diego, California, USA.
Grand Canyon, Arizona USA
Hoover Dam, Nevada USA
Living Las Vegas...
Bright lights...
How does quality of life here differ from within Mexico?
Pictures from the Mexico/USA Border
Caution! Do not expose your life to the elements. It's not worth it.
People will do anything to cross the border....
WHAT IS THE SITUATION? There is a 2000km border between USA and Mexico. 1 million + Mexicans migrate to the USA every year. Illegal migration is a huge problem for USA and Mexico US Border Patrol guard the border and try to prevent illegal immigrants 850,000 were caught in 1995 and were deported
PUSH FACTORS Poor medical facilities - 1800 per doctor Low paid jobs - (GNP = $3750) Adult literacy rates 55% - poor education prospects Life expectancy 72 yrs 40% Unemployed
PULL FACTORS Excellent medical facilities – 400 per doctor Well paid jobs - GNP = $24,750) Adult literacy rates 99% - good education prospects Life expectancy 76 yrs Many jobs available for low paid workers such as Mexicans
Activity Two Complete the migration worksheet. Stick the worksheet into your books. Question 3 and the extra activity can be written in your books. Complete the exam questions worksheet. Answer on the sheet.