Christ United Methodist Church From Vision to Reality “What are God’s Plans For Us” January 23, 2010
Retreat Particulars Where:At Christ Church Fellowship Hall When:January 23, :00 AM to 4:00 PM What:Working retreat to hear God’s plan for Christ Church and develop our response Who:All members and church congregants are invited
From Vision to Reality Key Objectives What would God have us do? … share with others the light of Christ that we have. sacrifice something of value - from each of us be open to exciting & unexpected possibilities. Examine and Reaffirm Mission, Vision and Values statements as still relevant to and reflective of God’s plan for CUMC Critically examine the “state of the church” Review the relevance and currency of the three key areas of focus from the 2007 Visioning Retreat Review the progress that CUMC has made toward realizing the vision of those focus areas – Christian Education, Missions, and Music Ministry Develop long-term strategic options that help bring God’s vision to life that may or may not include these areas
Summary of 2007 Retreat Focus What is God Calling Us to Do? While the order of importance may have differed, the retreat recommended that we continue to focus of the three ministries of Christian Education, Music and Missions. The groups offered many suggestions to improve and enhance them. Most importantly, all felt that a key to enhancing the ministries should be to develop them to perform more outreach. Developing a more missional approach that moves the programs outside Christ Church's walls should be a key developmental objective. Specific suggestions to improve the ministries are listed below. Christian Education 1. Develop a post Confirmation Class education program to prevent the current drop-off in student participation after confirmation. Add a program that nurtures new disciples and encourages fuller participation in youth/adult church life. 2. Appoint a Sunday School Superintendent 3. Enhance the teaching and sharing of Christian values and stories in the Nursery School program. 4. Take education program offerings outside the church. For example, conduct Bible studies in Brittney Point or other Senior Living facilities since some seniors find it hard to drive to programs at CUMC. 5. Offer an Intergenerational Sunday School class, which offers family service opportunities and creates loving environments for older as well young church attendees. 6. It is also important to create programs that serve to instruct young parents in Christian living by providing examples for family prayer and service. Music Ministry 1. Take music program outside the church. For example, perform at Senior Centers and at other community functions (village and township functions). 2. Offer music rehearsal times more convenient to seniors to help start of a seniors program. 3. Develop and conduct a musical worship service on the front lawn. 4. Develop more contemporary services to be held more frequently. Missions 1. Develop a Seniors Ministry that could include offerings such as PC training, Adult Daycare, Financial advice, Day-time activities such as bible study, music and Disciple classes. 2. Increase focus on local service opportunities 3. Service Outside the Church Walls 4. Create opportunities for Christian service outside the church. Explicitly identify service opportunities currently available and publicize them so that members can schedule their participation. 5. Even though we are located in a relatively affluent area, we should create other service project opportunities, such as soup kitchen service, service with UM Neighborhood Services, and Youth Service camp like opportunities for adults. 6. Other notable recommendations included increasing the focus on a prayer ministry (creation of a prayer quilt ministry), expanding the nursery school to include a bible school and enhancing the current caring committee's programs to make the church even more family oriented and welcoming. 7. Also, important follow up items were to make sure that a comprehensive communications program that includes multiple channels such as an enhanced web-site, a computer kiosk and better utilization of the Evangel and broadcast s should be developed.
7:30 – 8:30 Coffee and Coming TogetherAll 8:30 – 8:45OPENING PRAYERNancy Shane 8:45 – 9:00Session ObjectivesGary Knerr 9:00 – 10:30State of the ChurchFull Group Workshop 10:30 – 11:00BREAK 11:00 – NoonWhat is Working Well Breakout Workshop Noon – 12:45 LUNCH 12:45 – 1:15Discerning God's VisionFull Group Workshop 1:15 – 1:45PRAYERALL 1:45 – 2:00BREAK 2:00 – 3:30What are God's Plan for Us? Breakout Workshop 3:30 – 4:00Next Steps 4:00CLOSING PRAYER From Vision to Reality – What would God have us do? Draft AGENDA