AGENDA Introductions Social Work Website Description of Program and Courses CEC Field Expectations Competency Based Education Learning Contract Field Evaluation
WEB SITE Social Work Program: Social Work Program Home Goals & Competencies Faculty Curriculum Overview Student Activities Fieldwork BCWEP For Field Instructors Links
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Mission Liberal Arts Base – General Education courses School of Social Science Human Services core courses (social issues, history of social thought, sustainability) Social Work Pre-requisites (biology, sociology, sociology of family, psychology, economics – political economy)
COURSES IN SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM Introduction to Social Work History and Philosophy of Social Welfare Human Behavior and Social Environment – Cultural Diversity Human Behavior and Social Environment – Life Cycles Theory and Practice of Social Work I, II, III Social Work Research Contemporary Social Policy
ELECTIVE COURSES Child Welfare Community Mental Health AIDS: Social Perspectives Law and Social Work Introduction to Gerontology
COURSE ENRICHMENT COMPONENT (CEC) Ramapo College requires each course include a minimum of five (5) hours of unmonitored, relevant, and appropriate experience outside of the classroom. All Ramapo College Social Work courses require that satisfaction of the 5 hour CEC be focused on efforts towards social justice. Ramapo College Social Work Program Commitment to Social Justice As stated in the NASW Code of Ethics, social workers should pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people The Social Work Program will identify social justice experiences and policies that are relevant to Theory and Practice I and II. Your help in identifying appropriate social justice activities would be welcome
EXPECTATIONS: TIME 200 hours each semester 2 semesters (practice I and II) 1 semester (practice III) Approximately 16 hours per week How frequently per week? Sick time, holidays and snow days must be made up Keep a time sheet
FIELD EXPECTATIONS Time Holidays – Sick Time Practice Experiences
EXPECTATIONS: Holidays If the agency is closed for a holiday on a field placement day, you must make up the time Winter break holiday time must be negotiated
PLACEMENT ASSIGNMENTS Task expectations Direct Prac tice Macro Practice
AT THE BEGINNING Before the student arrives First day First week First month
COMPETENCY BASED EDUCATION Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Educational Policy and Standards (EPAS) Competencies Practice Behaviors
RAMAPO COLLEGE COMPETENCIES AND PRACTICE BEHAVIORS Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments Engage diversity and difference in practice Advance human rights and social, economic, and environ mental justice Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services Respond to contexts that shape practice Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities
HOW TO DEVELOP FIELD ASSIGNMENTS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPETENCIES Use the practice behaviors as a lens for looking at the learning experiences at your agency. Which learning experiences at the agency are related to the practice behaviors? What might be some practice examples of some of the practice behaviors?
LEARNING CONTRACT View Learning Contract online at Social Work Web Site Identify: Field Instructor Student Days and Hours Student Assignments Supervisory session Recording Expectations Winter Break plans Student practice expectations consistent with competencies
FIELD EVALUATION View Field Evaluation—Baccalaureate Education Assessment Project (BEAP) Field Placement Practicum Assessment Instrument (FPPAI) End of each semester Reviewed jointly by student and field instructor Completed by Field Instructor on line Use Learning Contract as a base Related to competencies and practice behaviors Signed by field instructor and student Submit online and print out a copy for your records
FUTURE FIELD INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SESSION Wednesday October 9 Supervision, learning styles, evaluating student practice & handling problems in the field
CERTIFICATES Please leave your name, agency and license number if you wish approved continuing education units