REGISTRATION PACKETS Packets are color coded by grade level 12 th - Salmon 11 th Blue 10 th Yellow In your packet: Parent Portal Directions for Registration/Keys to Consider Pathway Criteria Planning Sheet for your Courses Course Registration Form
IMPORTANT REMINDERS Teachers have made your core academic recommendations for you You must select your elective classes Select courses for a 7 period day Select 3 alternatives Check pre-requisites before selecting courses Course Digest available on WFHS webpage Talk with your current elective teachers regarding your current pathway and the next course in sequence Course numbers ending in a “Y” are year long courses Course numbers ending in a “S” are semester courses. You must have two semester #’s to equal one period in your schedule Combo courses/enter both #’s…takes 2 periods in schedule symbol indicates that an application, audition or teacher approval is required AP Contract must be signed for all AP Courses
CHALLENGE YOURSELF ACADEMICALLY Don’t take the easy way out! Colleges are looking for students that challenge themselves all four years. Find a balance! Prioritize your academics and your extracurricular activities.
CourseAverage (1 pt) Above Average (2pt) Advanced (3 pt) Most Difficult (4pt) English On-level College prep 2 Honors 2 Honors/1 AP 2 Honors/2 AP Math On-level college prep (Math I, 2, 3, AMDM) On-level college prep (Math 1, 2, 3, 4) Accel Math I, 2, 3, AP Calc or AP Stats Accel Math 2, 3, AP Calc AB/BC, DL Calc Social Studies On-level college prep 1 Honors 1 Honors/1 AP 2 or more AP Science On-level College prep 2 Honors1 AP2 or more AP World Language2 years3 years4 years1 or more AP Overall Total Legend0-5 pts AVERAGE 6-10 pts ABOVE AVERAGE pts EXCELLENT 16 + OUTSTANDING WFHS CURRICULUM DIFFICULTY CHART
Rising 10 th Grade Academic Requirements Teachers recommendations 10 th Lit, Honors 10 th Lit Analytic Geometry, (AG-Support), Math III, Acc Math III, Acc Analy. Geom B/Advanced Algebra, AP Stats Biology, Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, Env. Science, Earth Science, AP Biology W. History, Honors W. History, AP World History ****Modern Language (You must request this in Parent Portal)
Rising 11 th Grade Academic Requirements Teacher Recommendations American Lit, AP Amer Lit. Lang/Comp Math III, Math III w/Support, Acc MA III, Acc MA III & AP Stats, Math IV, AP Calculus AB, AP Cal AB/BC, Calculus Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, AP Biology, Anatomy, Earth Systems, Env. Science, Physics, AP Chem, AP Env. Sci, AP Physics B, US History, AP US History ****Modern Language (You must request this in Parent Portal)
Rising 12 th Grade Academic Requirements Teacher Recommendations English Lit, AP Lit/Comp Math IV, AMDM, AP Stats, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus AB/BC, Calculus, DL Calculus Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, AP Biology, Anatomy, Earth Systems, Env. Science, Physics, AP Chem., AP Env. Sci., AP Physics B, AP Physics C, Forensics Gov/Econ (may have to pair with Current Issues), AP Gov, AP Macro/Micro Economics ***Modern Language ( You must request this in Parent Portal )
11 th /12 th PROGRAM OPTIONS Dual Enrollment: University of North Cumming Campus (full time and part time) Lanier Tech Dual Enrollment (part Tech) Full time/part time at any other Georgia college campus Please see your counselor for details and information!
WBL >Proof of participation in a work environment IE2 > On track for graduation and completed enough credits to leave campus early Full class load with credit for up to 3 periods of work > Ability to time manage; balance work and school > Program used by a few Georgia school systems > Opportunity to get career-ready skills and experience >Need 5 classes to be eligible to participate in a GHSA sanctioned event **APEX does not count** Nationally recognized program by colleges and employers ** WBL application available on-line **IE2 contract available on-line 12 th GRADE PROGRAM OPTIONS WORK BASED LEARNING VS IE2 You can get into college with either of these programs, but what do they say about you? The choices you make now determine how others view you in the future.
REGISTRATION DATES and DEADLINES PARENT PORTAL: OPENS February 20 th (TODAY!) CLOSES March 8 4:00 pm COURSE WAIVER 0n-line DEADLINE: April 12 4:00 pm WFHS Counseling Website will have all updated information and links regarding registration!