NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering
Acronym for CFD Applied to Reactor ProcEss Technology Program duration : from 2001 through 2004 Total budget : 16.9 MNOK financed by NFR 5 NTNU Doctorates and 2 NTNU PostDoc : Experimental characterization of dispersed multiphase flows Modeling of dispersed multi-fluid flow in chemical reactors Modeling of Fluidized bed reactors Application of Large Eddie Simulation (LES) in reactor modeling Experiments on near-interface flow phenomena 3 SINTEF research institutes (Materials Technology, Chemistry and Mathematics) 2 NTNU departments (Chemical Engineering and Energy and Process Technology) The CARPET program
NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering (Stein Tore Johansen, SINTEF Materialteknologi) Marc Dhainaut, SINTEF Materialteknologi Harald Laux, SINTEF Materialteknologi Paal Skjetne, SINTEF Kjemi Trond Kvamsdal, SINTEF Matematikk Tor Ytrehus, NTNU Energi og prosessteknikk Hugo Jakobsen, NTNU Kjemisk prosessteknologi Hallvard Svendsen, NTNU Kjemisk prosessteknologi Steering group: Secretary Elisabeth Thorbjørnsen
NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering Objectives The main goals of the program are to develop new physical models for fluid flow computations, particularly focused on models applicable to design and optimization of chemical and metallurgical processes, and to strengthen the academic education and research in these fields at NTNU and SINTEF by: Graduating a minimum of 5 doctorates within these fields and strengthen the collaboration with international research groups through exchange on doctoral and post doc. level. Developing model programs and experimental validation tools for a selection of specific applications. Establish a graduate course in advanced reactor technology and multiphase flow. Strengthen the links between the fundamental and applied research, and the Norwegian industry.
NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering
Bubble column Fluidized bed reactor Scrubber injection (gas / droplets) injection (gas) Investigations: bubble coalescence bubble breakup population balance flow pattern reactions Investigations: particle interaction reactions Investigations: droplet coalescence droplet breakup population balance high velocity flow Investigations: droplet coalescence droplet breakup droplet entrainment droplet deposition population balance high velocity flow high pressure flow flow pattern Separation equipment Experiments Techniques: PIV / PTV Probes LDV Experiments Techniques: PIV / PTV Probes LDV Common fields of interest injection (gas / droplets)
NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering CARPET and HiPGaS Ph.D. / Post-Doc. Macro scale Meso scale Micro scale Elisabeth Torbjørnsen Håvard Lindborg Carlos Dorao Thomas Braseth Maria Fernandino Thomas Helsør Cecilie Gotaas Trond Austrheim Kurt Schmidt Alexandre Brigadeau HiPGaS CARPET Scrubber Reactors Particle collision Film draining Coalescence Breakup Deposition Entrainment Marangoni effect Colloid chemestry Coalescence Lars Hagesæther Pavel Havelka Reidar Kristofersen