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As chatdanger.com says that… Provide links to other safety guides, so any user interested in finding out more about keeping safe can do so. If there are personal profiles attached to the chatroom, encourage users not to post personal information.
As Safekids.com says … Remember that what you say in a chat room or instant messaging session is live — you can’t take it back or delete it later. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want the public to know — this includes your full name, your address, phone number of other personal information.
on+online+is+it+safe&safe=strict&client=fir efox-a&hs=Amc&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms
As it says on Chatdanger.com “Be careful who you trust online and remember that online friends are really strangers. People online, no matter how long you have been talking to them or how friendly they are, may not be who they say they are.”
On Club Penguin kids can chat with other players but you never know who that other player is it could be crazy person [ you never know who is fake and who is real].
World of Warcaft is a top seller game you can fight, move up levels, and you can chat online. There are