A Linear Array of Tones To identify and discuss varying degrees or levels of emotions associated with tone words
Tone An author’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject An awareness of tone is an integral part of understanding literature.
Generate a list of words that could describe tone PositiveNeutralNegative
Degrees of Emotion There are degrees of emotions, and authors should identify specifically how intense the emotion is. For example: anger annoyed irritated angry bitter wrathful furious irate enraged
Degrees of Emotion You will be given 12 index cards and 12 words. Divide the cards equally among the members of your group. Write the word on one side of the card and its definition on the other side. Illustrate the words under their definitions.
Place the cards in the Correct Column SadHappyAfraid
Words to Sort ecstaticmelancholymournful gladpanickednervous joyfulunhappyterrified blissfuldepressedscared dejectedfrightenedcheerful petrifiedpleased
Degrees In your group, discuss your ideas about the degree of emotion associated with each word. Lay your cards down and move them around until you create an array of words ranging form least extreme to most extreme in each column. Write these under Positive, Neutral, or Negative on your tone list. In your group, discuss your ideas about the degree of emotion associated with each word. Lay your cards down and move them around until you create an array of words ranging form least extreme to most extreme in each column. Write these under Positive, Neutral, or Negative on your tone list.
Applying What We’ve Learned For this assignment, you will use the assigned tone (emotion) given to your group. Write a paragraph about an event that taught you a lesson. Tones: angry, fearful, joyful, depressed, confused, appreciative
Brainstorm Words for Your Tone tone
After Writing Highlight or underline the specific words you included that communicate your assigned tone.
Create a “tone” Map Add your ideas about Tone Tone