Police officer
Education Required For most police departments you need graduate from a U.S. high school or a two-year or a four-year college degree from an accredited U.S. or foreign institution.
Starting / average work salary For the L.A.P.D the starting base salary for high school graduates is $49,924. If you have at least 60 college semester units, with an overall GPA of 2.0 or better, you will start at $51,949. Police officers' yearly salaries range from less than $31,000 for the lowest-paid patrol officers and sheriffs to more than $100,000 for the highest-paid police supervisors and managers.
Working hours. Police work a minimum of 40 hours per week. Many times they work longer because of overtime paperwork and other things.
lifestyle I could have a nice lifestyle because I would make up to 88k a year. This could pay for a house, car and the other things that you need in life.
Location Almost every city in the us has a police department so if you wanted to work for the police you can basically work in any city.
Career cluster This career is in the career cluster of law and public safety.
Values- There are many values it takes to be a police officer. You have to be brave and responsible to put yourself in the line of fire and handle a gun. You also need to be hard working and truthful. Tasks and responsibilities – be responsible with guns and stay focused Working with data people and things – work well with people and be organized and on time with people and be responsible with things. Work environment, It can be dangerous and anything can happen. Work hours – they can very depending on events crimes and papers due Abilities – shoot guns, run fast good driver Education- A two-year or a four-year college degree from an accredited U.S. or foreign institution may be substituted for the high school requirement. Salary Starting/ average work salary The starting base salary for high school graduates is $49,924. If you have at least 60 college semester units, with an overall GPA of 2.0 or better, you will start at $51,949. If you have a BA or BS (four year) degree you will start at $53,975. Police Officer salary increases automatically after successful completion of the 6-month Police Academy. After 12-month probation in the field, Officers automatically promote to Police officer II with annual salary increases thereafter up to $88,427. Career outlook – the career will be In high demand in the future. International career outlook-they will need lots of police in every city in the us.
Why I want this job as a career One job that I aspire to is a police officer. I would like to work in the police force because both of my parents were police officers and I would like to help stop crime and help save lives. I like to help people and would like to make this country a better and safer place. I would be honored to know I have helped families and made an impact on many peoples lives. Those are a few reasons why I would like to be a police officer.
Software Development Manager
Required Education Software development managers generally need a bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering or a related technical field; however, some employers may require a Master of Science degree or MBA for senior-level positions.
Average salary Average pay of $123,000 annually in the USA.
Work hours The work hours for this job depend on deadlines, your employer and projects.
Lifestyle You can have a great lifestyle because you are making 123k a year
Location The location for this job is usually an office.
Ten characteristics Values – work well with data Tasks and responsibilities – create software and programs. You have to work well with people data and things. Work environment you probably will work in an office. Working hours vary You need to be able to work well with computers and understand code. Education - Software development managers generally need a bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering or a related technical field; however, some employers may require a Master of Science degree or MBA for senior-level positions.
Ten characteristics Salary - Average pay of $123,000 annually in the USA and benefits are dependent on your employer Career outlook- this career will be in high demand because of all of the electronics. This career will be in high demand all over because lots of software will be needed.
Why I want this job as a career Another job that I would be interested in perusing is a software development manager. I would one day like to be a software development manager because I would like to make technology easier to use and make programs. I would like to one day contribute to a program or make one that is used for gaming business or personal use. It inspires me that I could change the would, the way people work or communicate just by sitting at home. Those are just a few reasons why I want to be a software software development manager.